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The group went to the place and park far from the club. Ryujin tells them of how near they are to the location.

"There. That house" she pointed a 2-storey house not far from the club.

"Let's go" they followed Kyungsoo with silent paces. As they reached the door's house, the knights were scattered already around the area.

Momo kicked the door and they entered immediately when it opened. But Jennie falls down when she saw what is inside the house.

There is no one. The house is empty. 

"Lisa" she cried and Jisoo kneeled down to her.

"Jennie stop it" she hold Jennie's hands because the girl keeps punching the floor not minding that her hands is bleeding already.

"Where is Lisa!" she shouted and the others just watches at her in pity.
"What a bunch of idiots!" Harry laughed looking at the Monitor where he saw the group and Jennie crying.

Before they could save her, Harry was able to transfer her back at his house with no trackers.

"Look at your friends Lisa, eagerly trying to save you when you will be dead by the next days" Lisa clenches her fist hearing the mad man.

"2 more days Lisa, 2 more days and I'll have that throne" he smirk. They put her in the room and didn't even give her some water. Harry thought that, she will die anyway so it's better not to waste food on her. 

After 2 days 

The group can't sleep, especially Jennie. They keep on searching for Lisa but still no news. While they are so much in worry, Nicholas and Harry were rejoicing waiting for the younger man's coronation. If Lisa won't be back by tomorrow, her cousin will have the crown. 

"Jennie I'm going home but I'll be back later, you'll gonna be okay here?" Nayeon asked her. 

"Yes, say sorry to Mom and Dad. Promise after this, I'll visit them" Nayeon understands her and nods. She needs to go back at Montealto to get some supplies for the two of them, also it's weekend and she promised her Mom to visit her every Saturdays and Sundays. Jeongyeon will be with her. 

When Nayeon left the apartment, Jennie goes to her room and cried again. She doesn't want to lose hope but everything that is happening now on her says the opposite. She opened her drawer and look for something that she kept for a very long time. 

It's their picture together when they were a child. Their picture that she treasures the most even when her mom wants to get rid of it. 

"Please be back. Promise I'll forget everything, just be back" she cried touching Lisa's face. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please be back Lisa, I can't lose you, I won't survive Lisa. Please be back" she was interrupted when her phone rings and saw Harry's name on screen. 

"Hello?" she softly asked. 

"Jennie, how are you?" 

"I'm fine. Why did you call?" after our conversation at the hospital, he went to our house at Montealto and ask for apology. He said he still like me but I can't reciprocate his feelings. I already told him that things between us won't happen even if he'll wait for a long time.  

"Jennie, can you come to the palace tomorrow? I just want you to-" 

"Harry I told you, I'm sorry but you know my answer already" he's been asking me for months now and he won't just stop. 

"Jennie please, this will be the last time. After this I'll stop, just this last time please. Just a dinner" I sighed because he is so persistent. 

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