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"Hey are you okay? We're here now" I told her because it seems that Jennie didn't noticed that the Van stopped already.

"Yeah...I'll go get my bag" she coldly said. What's wrong with her? We're okay now, right?

She passed by me, took her bag with her and hurriedly step out of the vehicle. We got our stuffs too and exited the Van.

I went towards the front seat and thanked Seulgi and Momo for the ride. Well, it's Seulgi's car.

"Thank you so much Seulg, sorry about the problem earlier. I knew you badly want to stay there" and I winked. Well, my friend's gazes towards the Lady of Monsatto were pretty obvious.

"Silly, you sure you're okay?" I nod.

"Oh Lis, you think you can handle the practice on Monday? I don't want to pressure you but, the game is in two weeks" I totally forgot about the practice, since I called off the weekend's shot we need to double up to the next days.

"Don't worry about it, my personal issues were totally out from the game" I told her. And besides, badminton would help me relieve my stress.

"I know I could count on you. We need to get going now, I know you have a friend to comfort over there. And please cheer Jisoo up, I'm not used to her like that" I sighed and nods at her.

"Bye Lisa" Momo said and I replied with a soft bye too. The car started and they drove out of the parking area of our apartment's building.

I walk towards the entrance and saw Rosie and a sad Jisoo. I taps her shoulder and give her a smile, but I guess my friend needs a serious time to be okay.

We took the lift and stopped at our floor. Where's Jennie?

"Rosie? Where's Jennie?" I asked her while we're walking towards our apartment door.

"She hurriedly rode the elevator, she said she needs to do something. Are you guys okay?" I furrowed my brow, and I feel like something's not good.

"Yes..we're okay now" I told her and we reached the door. I pulled out my keys and inserted it in the hole. When the door opened, we walk inside.

Since we get back from Montealto, Jisoo became clingy to Rosie. It's not that I don't like it but it feels different. Especially they are always sending deadly gazes and picking each other. Are they together now?

I removed the thoughts out of my head and let the two enjoyed on what is happening between the two of them. Jisoo needs Rosie now anyway, as much as I wanted to send Rosie back to their loft but I know Jisoo needs her comfort than mine.

I took out my phone and I called Jennie, I need to see her and make sure she's okay. When I press her number it is out of line, and I got worried.

"Rosie, can I borrow your keys? Jennie's phone is out of line, I...I need to check if she's fine" I got confused because she's hesitant to give it to me first but she handed it later on.

"Are you guys okay here? I'll order food if you're hungry. I'll call some chicken" and Jisoo looked at me. Well, I know why.

"Thank you Lis" Rosie said. I called for a delivery before I left the apartment and used the stairs to reach the upper floor.

"Lisa" I heard someone called and I turn around, I saw Irene walking towards me.

"Hey, sorry we need to leave early. You know what happened right?" and she nods.

"When will I see you two again?" she asked.

"You can always visit us at Klaveo, tell me when you're coming so we could prepare" Irene smiled. This is what I'm thankful for my father, Irene as a daughter of the Lord never experienced the life outside the four chambers of her room. She's home-schooled.

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