Chapter 7

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Music Video
Perfect-Emma Blackery

(Brooklyn Above)

Brooklyn's POV

I closed the castle's door behind me after Petrova's farewell and headed towards my car a distance away since the stupid guards wouldn't let me park in the front. It's like they think i'm carrying a damn bomb in my car.

I stumbled over a rock almost landing on my face and sighed.
You'd think that me being a Werewolf I'd have better reflexes but no. I'm just an average wolf. Simple, average looking, weak, non-important. Everything opposite from Rova. She has amazing reflexes and she's beautiful with her long, beautiful, wavy red and white hair that makes her look unique and her perfectly shaped face and slim body. She's strong, probably the strongest female wolf i know and most of all she's important. She is the most important person on this planet being that she is the King and Queens only child and is the next to rule. She is just perfect.

Which leads me to wonder why we really are friends?

The memory of us meeting was such a while ago that i can barely remember. My mom worked at the palace since i was about 8 years old. She's the Queens personal assistant and a worker. She help's the Queen with whatever she needs and when she's not with her she is off helping the maids. She gets paid a handsome amount of money which is why we are living well. She's also friends with the Queen. Everything was tough when my father died when i was only 10. He died from natural causes with cancer. Even when we have super strength and speed and can turn into wolves we still can get certain types of illness's and we do not live forever. We can live up to around 150 years and maybe a little over but thats pretty much it.

The Angels can live however long they like. If and when they feel like they are ready to leave their life's they can somehow switch it off. Unlike the Vampires who can live forever unless killed.

Anyways, one day the Queen suggested to my mother that she should bring her daughter for a 'playdate' with hers since her daughter was unable to go out anywhere and make friends so she should at least have one. Me being me refused because i was a big girl not a child who goes on playdates. I was one of those little girls who liked to act like an adult when only just over 3 feet tall. My mother of course was not going to go back on her word after saying that she would bring me so she practically dragged me out of the house. I never met Rova before then so i didn't know how she was like. When mom dropped me off in her room she was playing with dolls. We said our 'hi's' and she asked if i wanted to play with her and i agreed. It was not as good as it sounds. She kept hogging all of the dolls barely sharing. And we would argue quite a bit, actually pretty much the whole time over childish things.

She was such a butthead back then.

The playdate ended with us telling each other that we don't like each other and won't be seeing each other again.

The next day mom brought me back.

Me and Rova argued 24/7 but long story short we started to get used to each other and eventually became friends after the lost of my dad when Rova started comforting me instead of arguing with me. I got used to her spoiledness and her all-that attitude and here we are now.

Happy go lucky. Kind of.

She toned down on the brattiness but is still sometimes a butt.

I was so focused in my thoughts that i ran into a wall out of nowhere and I bounced back like a ball and flew onto my back before I groaned. I felt hands on me, which was strange since i didn't know wall's had hands, and as soon as they touched me it was like a thousand of tingling sensations going up and down and all throughout my body.
My eyes were closed, i was enjoying the effects that the hands were causing and I forgot all about the pain at the back of my head.

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