to all the olivias i've loved before (2)

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Don't believe everything you read, almost 50% of this is not realistically accurate.


       A single tear fell from my eyes onto the paper. I'd never known, in just that short amount of time, how much I'd come to care for Josh and the cast.

       Then I looked around frantically. He said he was going home. Where was home? Los Angeles? Hollywood?

       I remembered when we all had to get to know each other, Josh had said he was from...from...Ocean...Oceanside!

       Where did he live, to be exact?


Dear Diary,

       Back to Oceanside. Hope Liv got that letter. She should forget about me and live a good life with Ethan. Then they should grow up and grow old and have kids. Maybe a golden retriever or a chihuahua.

        Shouldn't that be with me?
        No, Josh, she just thinks of you as a friend, nothing more.

        Well, gotta go. A bunch of family members are coming over to watch a marathon of HSMTMTS and snoop way too much into my personal life.

                 Catch ya later, diary,


       All right. I don't have a car or my learner's permit.

        How do I get to him?

        Can I take a subway?

        What, Olivia? You don't live in New York.

        Maybe from watching all of that Girl Meets World as a kid.

        Getting serious now.

        I grabbed the twenty dollars from my suitcase and dashed off a quick text to my mom that I was going down to Oceanside for a little bit. She wondered what I was doing there, and I said I was paying a visit to a friend.

         After saying goodbye to the rest of the cast and crew, I grabbed my plane ticket and tried to catch the next flight.

Josh's POV

Before I left for Oceanside, I made a pit stop at the Carpenters' house. The girls are good friends with my sisters, and Sabrina, Sarah, and Shannon are practically my sisters. We've probably been friends since we were all in diapers. David and Elizabeth are my second parents. They're my home away from home.

They were happy to see me and showered me with hugs and kisses. I had to ask them a favor, something really important.

I'm pretty sure you know about the whole Liv debacle; right? So while I was in my Salt Lake apartment and on the plane home, I came up with another idea. I'm writing a song for her.

So far, the most convenient place to film is at the Carpenters' house, and I was hoping they'd help me.

"Of course, bud! Just remember us when you're dancing with the stars," Shannon chuckled.

"If she isn't falling all over the place after this, she doesn't know what she's missing," Mr. Carpenter, or David, as he insists to be called. "Before you do that, you have to test out this new spaghetti recipe."

I readily agreed, since who could turn down his food? It was the LITERAL BEST.

After chowing down and catching up on life with the family, we finally got to filming.

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