i still fucking love you, babe.

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Plot: At the end of junior year, the students are required to write a passage about romance and what it means to them. If you cry, I'm sorry.


Nini (ahem, NiNA)

I don't think there's ever been a project as hard as this. Words come so naturally to me. But this one is more than that, it's a trip down a painful memory lane. I sat in my treehouse, fearless blasting from my phone. What? I concentrate better on music. An additional part of why that is is because my moms are fighting. I know every couple comes to that time, including Ricky and me.

Romance. Hmm, romance. I've written plenty of songs about this before, but a whole paper?

I looked over at the Nini + Ricky carved on the wall and subconsciously ran a hand over it. I had a distant memory of what his mom had told us when we were in fifth grade, that if you carve you and your soulmate's name into a tree, it would mean that you were meant to be together. No force could tear you apart, no feud, no fight, nothing. It was written in the stars that your souls were connected for eternity.

She drove us to her old house in Provo and showed us the carving that she and Mike had made when they were ten. They ended up marrying after high school, so I believed it would work. When Ricky and I came home, I suggested that we try it because of a childhood promise when we were eight.

"Promise me, we'll get married someday," I held out my pinky finger to Ricky, my face as serious as could be.

"We're only eight," he laughed.

"No, silly, not right now, when we're older. Like when we have steady jobs and lives and bills."

"You promise?" he asked, eyes wide.

I nodded firmly. "When have I ever gone back on a promise?"

He hooked his pinky with mine. "Someday."

I smiled faintly as I thought back to that day, but it vanished when I realized that it would probably never happen, and it was all my fault. I poured out all my anger about my family problems when he was just trying to help. I know he didn't intentionally mean to do all that, but I made him feel guilty and upset. We don't talk much anymore, but I can see he's not the Ricky I knew. He just skulks around wearing black and doesn't talk to anyone.

Should I say sorry? I don't think sorry would be enough for all the hurt that I've caused him, caused us. I was so absorbed in myself and my own issues that I didn't notice the people around me were suffering. Anyway, onto other topics: I got cast as Christine in the cast of Broadway's Phantom of the Opera for 2020. I'm leaving for New York this summer for the tour and to perform, which is a big deal to me. Carlos, Seb, and Miss Jenn are very jealous. Ever since "Rose" gained media attention, I've been booking a lot of shows and roles. This summer, it's not just trips to Disneyland with Ricky and my moms, I'm thinking bigger. It's a new start, and it feels good to put myself out there. I'm an independent woman now, taking on the world.

Before I get a big head, I need to finish this report. What does romance mean to me?

Well, it all started in kindergarten...

What Romance Means to Me
by Nina Salazar-Roberts

I remember that day like it was yesterday. The cool autumn air, my bright five-year-old eyes, so eager to start kindergarten and meet new friends.

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