Hello Again

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Chapter 5: Third person POV

"Oi! Mate where've you been?" Liam shouts from the kitchen once Niall enters his house, his head pounding with frustration about his car and none of the guys answering their phones. his heart was also pounding but not only because it was filtering blood but it felt different. he kept recounting the events that happened not long ago and about the fragile looking guy and his heart just fluttered every time. Niall felt confused and tired and not even the delicious smell of Harry's cooking could bring him out of his grey cloud of sadness.

Toeing off his shoes and hanging his sweater on the rack, he followed the smell to his kitchen where all the boys were. they were laughing amongst each other but once Niall entered they stopped and Liam was the one to repeat his question.

"Where've you been?" He asked a disoriented looking Niall. shaking his head from all his thoughts and pushing them into the dark space of his mind, he looks at Liam with an accusing look.

"In some god awful town where my fucking car broke down and you would've known that if either of you answered your fucking phones! But hey it's ok, i almost got killed but I'm home," Niall said sarcastically looking at all the guys whom had guilty worried looks on their face. never had they seen Niall look so out of it before. Zayn was the first to apologize.

"Ni mate we're sorry but maybe you didn't have any signal 'cause none of our phones rang. But are you ok? What were you doing?" Zayn's smooth voice calmed Niall down and straightened out his thoughts and so he began explaining everything that led to him being In that unknown town but managed to skip the part about the fight and the boy he encountered.

The boys all have Niall simpathetic smiles telling him how any girl would be lucky to be with him and how they'd help him find her. Niall thanked all the boys but in the back of his mind he really doubted she was out there but he didn't say anything and headed off towards his room to take a nap.

The boys were confused and worried watching their blonde friend leave the kitchen with out taking some snacks with him. Whatever was on his mind was serious but of course Louis had a plan to possibly solve his sadness.


Two days passed and Niall still couldn't stop his reoccurring thoughts of a certain blue/green eyed boy. He couldn't stop wondering if he had gotten home safe or if he was somewhere hurt or getting beat up but he held on to the positive thoughts more. but then again, why should he worry? The guy was a simple stranger and nothing more to Niall. Right?

It was a Monday morning when Niall got a call saying he could go pick up his car and as much as they looked there was nothing wrong with his car and they couldn't explain why it wouldn't turn on. But they reassured him it wouldn't happen again.

So on a chilly Monday morning, Niall took a shower and got dressed walking out of his home and walking to the car shoppe humming a quiet tune. He wasn't sure what song it was but it put him in a cheery mood.

On his walk his nose began to feel numb and he decided on getting some coffee to fill his stomach with something. Stepping in the nearest coffee shop he inhaled the strong smell of the coffee but began choking when his eyes landed on a familiar face containing the eyes he couldn't forget. his coughing caught some eyes but not his. They were too busy looking down on what looked like a sketch pad. his hand moving in every which way with his pink tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth. Niall smiled, curious about what he was drawing, not taking his eyes off the boy even when he went to order his drink.

Once the hot beverage was in his grip, his feet carried him to the platinum blondes chair but Niall couldn't find the words to say hi. but he didn't have too because they boy was the one to turn around quickly putting away his sketch pad and squeak out a startled 'hey.'

"Oh hey," Niall chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. the boy smiled awkwardly looking anywhere but Niall.

"How've you been? I see you got home safe." Niall spoke breaking the silence waiting to hear the guys perfect voice. and was it weird he thought another guys voice perfect? If it was he didn't care, 'cause his voice was.

"Y-yeah, I-i practically r-ran home but I-I'm good. T-thanks for worrying," he replied stuttering, his cheeks turning pink and Niall thought pink was a good color on him.

"Your welcome..." Niall said smiling and once again there was an awkward silence between them. not wanting to make the boy feel any more uncomfortable than he probably already felt, he said his goodbyes and walked out of the coffee shoppe face palming himself for being so god dang weird! Maybe that's why he was still single.

But whatever the reason, Niall started walking away, but not until a voice was calling him back. Niall turned around, fighting the smile that wanted to escape seeing the boy jog towards him.

"H-hey, um I n-never caught your n-name." Niall chuckled, looking into the boys eyes.

"Niall Horan." the boy smiled, repeating the name under his breath hoping he wouldn't forget it. saying bye he turned around but Niall only thought it was fair if he knew his name as well.

"Jasper." and much like him, Niall repeated it liking the way it fell from his lips and as he walked away to get his car, the name was running in his mind like a mantra while he hummed the same tune from before.

And he was praying that this wasn't the last time he saw Jasper.


AN: so I hope you liked the chapter and I wrote it in third person so let me know it was good and if I should keep doing it.

The pic is of jasper and isn't he just cute? I think he is. I had fun writing this chapter and until next time!


Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora