Becoming Fae-Ch.1

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A/N: Currently editing/re-writing the entire book. 

This chapter has been edited all chapters after this unedited/not re-wrote. Unless they state differently.

Becoming Fae- Ch. 1

The quiet sound of shuffling feet could be heard from the other side of my closed door. Whoever it was obviously didn’t want to be heard. I quickly looked over at my clock to check the time.

“Six o’clock?”I whispered to myself.  

No one is ever up at this time in my house. Both of my parents slept in on the weekends, and I didn’t have any siblings. Who could be out there? 

The shuffling noise grew closer and I could now tell that it was two pairs of feet making the noise. I had grown up paranoid and couldn’t remember if anyone had set the alarm last night. What if it was two robbers? What if they had guns?

Yes, I realize it sounds really far fetched, but still!

I saw the doorknob silently turning and made a split second decision to roll under my bed. This would’ve worked out great had I not been wrapped up in the pale blue blanket on my bed. I landed on the floor with a loud bang.

“Crissy, are you okay?” I heard my mother ask from the door.

I looked up to see both my mother and my father standing in my doorway. My dad was holding some balloons and a piece of birthday cake.

“Oh, uhm I thought you two were robbers...” I said while scratching the back of my head embarrassed.

“Oh Crissy, you’re always like that, thinking people are following you and stuff like that” My mom said swatting at the air with her hand dismissively.

I looked up at them from the floor and cleared my throat.

“So?” I asked

“Oh! That’s right! Happy 16th birthday sweetie!” My dad said and handed me the piece of cake and a fork he was holding.  

My mom took the balloons he was holding and set them on the floor where they were held down by a weight at the bottom.

“So,why did you guys wake me up at six on a Saturday. Couldn’t this have waited until like, I don’t know, three in the afternoon?” I said after a bite of chocolate cake. I was still situated on the floor, of course.

“Well, we would have let you sleep in, but we’re taking you somewhere and have to be there soon, so once you finish your cake get dressed and meet us down stairs.” My mom said turning to go back downstairs.

“Where are we going?” I asked excitedly.

“It’s a surprise,” My dad said with a wink “but you’re going to love it”

He also turned to go downstairs and I was left to finish my cake.

I quickly ate what I thought to be the best cake I had ever tasted, walked over to my door, and then closed and locked it. I took a quick look in the mirror on my way to pick out an outfit. My straight blond hair was in a frizzy mess, but what caught my attention was my eyes. They had always been purple, but today they seemed to have more layers and colors in them. That’s odd. Disregarding that thought I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. It was summer, July to be exact, so I picked a pair of shorts and a bright blue tank top. I quickly changed out of my pajamas, brushed my teeth and hair, put on a light bit of makeup and took a quick look in the mirror again. My hair now flowed down past my shoulders, to about the middle of my back. I decided it was too hot to not have it in an ponytail and put it up. In flip-flops I looked even shorter with my 5’4 thin frame. I looked decent enough so I quickly made my way down stairs.

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