Becoming Fae 14

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A/N: SORRY ITS SOOO SHORT Still having writers block...could you please help me by commenting with ideas? I'd really apreciate it... 

and any ideas for some new characters? new powers? other attacks? It would be really helpfull. 

VOTE!!!: cause then I will loves you 

COMMENT: team Nathan or team Jacobb? and I'm running out of wouldnt want me to have to resort to killing Amey would you? 

FAN!!!: Cause then I will loves you more 

AND!!: read my friend Craazy8's story Halfbreed

Becoming Fae 14

"Okay this is considered one of the easiest things to do with water. I don't expect you all will get it on your first try, but there should be a least one or two." The teacher began "All you have to do is imagine the water being extremely cold and freezing over....picture it in your head so clearly..that it becomes a reality." She finished and gave us each a clear bucket of water from the stream. 

"And begin"

For my first try I really wanted to get it right. I took a good look at the bucket, and thought, the water is so ice cold, if you put your hand in it your hand would immediately freeze..I kept imagining that and finally decided to move on when it wasn't working. Then I remembered back to when I had go to Canada with my ...... family for Christmas Break. The ice on the pond we went to was so think you could jump and stand and twirl around on it. As I was thinking this I saw the water in my bucket began to freeze over. I kept thinking about that pond and how cold it was as the water finished freezing over. I looked at it and admired my work. And smiled.In my opinion I had done it perfectly.

<A little conceited today aren't we?>

{Aren't you supposed to be I don't know.... freezing water or something..?}

< Yeah......>

"Anyone finished?" The teacher asked. I saw Nathan raised his hand... 

I took one last look at my bucket saw that it was still frozen and raised my hand also.... I also saw that we were the only to with out hands up.

"Nicely Done Amethyst and Nathan" The teacher said after she had examined our now frozen buckets of water.." Now for you two..and anyone else that successfully freezes their water..I want you to turn the water into steam....or in other terms boil it until its all gone.." She finished... 

Okay what to think about that will get the water to boil....Oh I know.......My thoughts worked (A/N: Nope not gonna tell you her thoughts..use some imagination) The water was gone in less than a minute.

"Well done, Well done, Now try to move the water" the teacher said as she filled up my bucket again. 

I thought to the water about were I wanted it to move. I thought up, and it went up, I thought over it went over. I was getting pretty good at all this Fae stuff. Nathan had finished boiling his water, and he now was trying to move it. This was gonna be fun. He wasn't having much success so I told his water to go up. 

It went up. Higher.. It went higher. Now Drop... and it fell straight into the bucket making a splash. 

Nathan got soaking wet....

<you are sooooo going to pay...>


"Class Dismissed!"

We all walked out, Me, Jacobb, Nathan, and Saph were walking out and Jay and Maddy were walking a little behind us.

"Hey, Amey..Guess what?" It was soaking wet Nathan

"..........Wha--" He pulled me into a giant bear hug

"LET ME GO!!! YOUR SOAKING WET!!!!" I screamed.

"Nope this is what you get for splashing me!" was his response.

Wait.....I was wet....that's water right?... I made the water on my skin get hot.

"OW!" he exclaimed and let go.. I let the water stay hot till it had all evaporated off of me and I was completely dry. Jacobb and Saph both were laughing at our little 'fight' when I turned to them 

" What you guys laughing at?" I asked even though I knew the answer.. 

" You two" Saph answered

"Oh..I thought we were laughing because she burned him." was Jacobb answered.

I wonder why he thought that.....

<He likes you, ya know...>

he didn't sound to happy..maybe it was cause I burned him...

{Sorry for burning you}

<Mh hm...sure you are>

{ NO! I seriously am sorry!}

< I don't believe you>

{Nathan.....what do you want?}

<Wanna go for a walk tonight in the garden?>

{Nathan....are you asking me out on a date?}

<NO! I just wanted to know how you got so far in controlling water>

uh huh....

{sure why not}

<kk pick you up after dinner>

....yeah its sooo not a date.... :P

<ITS NOT!!!> 

overly-defensive much....

So what was next....lunch? I headed to the lunch room with the same group I left the room with to the lunch room. The food here was basically fruit, vegetables, and sugar water..that's basically what I ate in the human world so it was not really a change. The rest of the time flew by quickly until flying lessons. 

This is the class I had waited all day for. I got a golden yellow and white gryphon who's name was Timmy.....weird name for a lion-bird if you ask me. It really liked me..well I think it did. I was really bad at flying though, My gryphon did all the work to keep me on. After flying lessons dinner came and went quickly......Now time for my date with Nathan

<not a date>

..uh huh...

He met me at my room at the time he said he would and we went down to the garden for out "non-date"

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