Becoming Fae 25

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Becoming Fae 25 

A/N: Please ignore any spelling/Grammar mistakes! And at this very moment I have 899 reads I am literally stalking my own profile page for that last read to get it over to 900 I never thought that the story would get this popular! Thanks!!!  


As me and Nathan walked into the school building he was strangely quiet..  

After awhile he spoke up  

"Amey... What did they do to you? I can't hear your thoughts any more. I'm just hitting a wall, you aren't shielding your mind are you?"  

"No I don't think I am... Let me see If I can send you a telepathic message, or whatever it is." I responded.  

How come he couldn't read my thoughts any more? Could it be one of the protection enchantments on the bracelet? 

{Nathan? Nathan is it working? Can you hear me?} 

<Yeah, it works this way.. I can hear you and you can hear me this way... But I cant hear your thoughts if they aren't towards me> 

{So can you talk to me like this still?} 

<Yeah..wait... What's that on your wrist.> 

I quickly moved the wrist that had the bracelet behind my back.

"What?" I said.  

He grabbed my wrist.  

"This" he said fingering the bracelet. 

"It can't be taken's got protection enchantments, a lot stronger than the ones on the necklace I got you..." he said  

"It doesn't seem dangerous." he decided as he dropped my wrist and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's go see the others." 

We went up to my room first.

"Amey!" Saph and Maddie said in unison.

"We were sooo worried!" Saph said.

"Yeah, Miranda said that you were like taken by the Dark Fae?" Maddy said.  

"Yeah, Miranda couldn't do anything about it they sort of just took me."

I was having a hard time lying to my friends, especially lying to Nathan.. It really bothered me.  

"I guess I'll let you 3 catch up then" Nathan said and walked out of the room.

"So Amey? Like, what happened?" Saph asked me.

Her facial expression was casual... But I could tell from her tone of voice that she really wanted to know.  

I wasn't sure what I should say to her, should I tell her about Skye and Aurora? Or should I just say I don't know.. 

"Well it was like Miranda and I were on a walk in the garden and then there were two guys, and they hit me over the head and took me... Is Miranda alright?" I said.

I added the last bit to make it seem like I didn't know she was the one to hand me over... But over to who exactly.. I don't think they were bad, but they never really said who they were... Oh well that's a thought fo another time.

"She's fine, been acting a bit weird lately though... We could go see if she wants to hang out now that your back?" Maddy said and as she finished there was a knock on the door.

I was facing the window and didn't bother to look as Saph opened the door, and the person stepped in.  


A/N: yeah, it's kinda short. Sorry! But in the time it took me to write this I went from 899 reads to 916. So Yay!!!! Over 900! *Throws a party for all the readers* xD  

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