Becoming Fae 17

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A/N: Hey you guys I was going to make chapter 16 longer instead of uploading this but then I decided to upload a different chapter because some people have already read it. ^-^ so here it is CHAPTER 17!!! 




Becoming Fae 17

Well on the way to lunch I learned two things, 

1. My sister and Miranda got along really well 

2. They were both crazy, in a good, fun, way...

The whole way there they just did not stop talking! walking beside them was Nathan and Chrys talking about something I wasn't even going to try and guess at, so me..being myself..walked a little ways behind them....and can you guess who I was stuck with? ..Jacobb...and I was still mentally mad at him.. 

Why you ask? Because....he called me hot......which is the most annoying thing in the world to me.. 

I know its supposed to be a complement....but, I just don't like it. I know...I'm weird.

"Hey Miranda, your sitting with us right?" I heard Saph ask. 

"Sure!" was Miranda's response

While I was walking with Jacobb he was oddly quiet....I wonder whats going on? 

"Hey Jacobb, whats up?" I asked casually even though I still didn't want to talk to him. 

"Nothin' much..I still don't get how to move water all that left before you could help me." he answered kinda sad...oh well....he had gotten on my nerves....should I apologize?


{but I dont wanna!}  

<hey, you suggested it not me>  

{Oh yeah...}  


{omg! you laughed!} 




I looked over at him and he glanced back at me. His face looked so serious compared to his recent telepathic conversation that I couldn't help but laugh..out loud...That got me several weird looks from people but I didn't mind...

Once we got to lunch we got our food, found a table and all sat down. "So Amey you have Weather control next right?" Saph asked me after taking a bite of food.

Miranda coughed and said "You can control weather thats so cool!"

"yeah..and Yeah that's what I have next Saph" I answered them both. 

"kay" she answered.

I chatted with Nathan about my weather control and his mind reading classes, Saph and Chrys just stared at each other, Miranda and Jacobb seemed to be getting along pretty well......until she slapped him...

"Hey! what was that for?" he said shocked.....

" said I looked Sexy...and I take offense from that.." and she walked off. I would have slapped him to if I had just met him and he called me sexy...I almost slapped him when he called me 'hot'.


{ nice}

I was trying not to laugh myself 

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