Becoming Fae-Ch.5

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*Done Editing

I was woken up by someone shaking me and yelling

"Amey! Amey get your lazy but up! Your first day of tutoring is today!” Come on, you can’t be this tired, you got a LOT of sleep.”

It was Saphyre, of course.

Wait. It’s way too quiet, I’m sure she isn’t one to give up that easily...Either way, it’s quiet. So I snuggled back into my pillow and pulled my covers closer to my chin.

And then all of the sudden,

“Amey! Get your lazy butt up!” Straight into my ear. Ouch.

I jumped straight out of bed and waited for the spots in my vision to clear.

“Alright, alright. I’m up. I’m up.”

She took a quick look at me a giggled.

“You should probably get ready, today is your first day of ‘tutoring’ with Nathan.” She paused, “Wear something pretty, I’m pretty sure Nathan’s got a little crush on you.”

Before I could ask any questions, she winked and skipped out of my room.

“She’s way too peppy for this early in the morning.” I mumbled to myself as I forced my feet to shuffle over to my closet.

I pulled open the door and walked into the large closet.

“What to wear, what to wear” I mumbled as I moved my hand over the many dresses and shirts.

As I was shuffling through the dresses, a short sleeved, yellow sundress caught my eye. I tried it on and decided it would work, since it was pretty warm outside and it only went to just above my knees. I quickly brushed my hair and threw it up into a messy ponytail.

“That oughta do for now” I said as I looked myself over in the mirror.

I walked out of my room into the hallway. Now, where could Nathan be?


Huh, the mind reading thing can be quite cool, sometimes.

As I wandered into the kitchen, I noticed there were several fruits on the table, but Nathan didn’t have any books, paper, pens, or anything normally associated with tutoring.

I grabbed what looked to be an apple and took a bite. He was silent the entire time I was chewing. Talk about awkward.

“So.” I said, hoping he would give me some sort of information on how this was going to go.

“So” Was his short reply, accompanied by nothing but a smirk.

I sighed. This was going to be worse than I thought.

“So, what are we doing today?”

“Well, I figured for your first day of tutoring, we’d do something simple.”

Yeah, and what else Mr. Tutor? Come on these short answers are ridiculous.

“We’re going to go to the Fae Market. You’ll see how things are run around here, and how Fae interact with each other. Plus, you’re a girl. Girls love shopping right? Oh, and I do hope that was a long enough explanation for you.”

“You know, if you’re going to reply to my thoughts out loud, people may think you’ve gone insane.” was my retort.

“Alrighty then, I’ll respond to your thoughts in your head, and what you say out loud, out loud. That alright with you princess?” He said while wearing that stupid smirk of his.

I just shot him a glare. I just wanted to let him know people might think he was crazy.Pardon me for trying to be polite.

“So, how are we going to get there?” I asked with a tiny hope it would be by flying.

“We’re going to walk there, if that’s alright with you, princess.” he said with a wink.

Great, something else that jerk is going to continue to hold over me.

<I’m a cute jerk. You seem to keep forgetting that, perhaps I’ll just have to remind you more often.>

Three more months of this? I think my head is just going to explode.

After walking for what seemed like hours, which was probably shorter, but just dragged on because of the  lack of conversation, the market came into view.

That. Is a lot more Fae than I expected, and I had no idea how to get back to the house. If I did, I would probably run.

What if I get lost? I’ll never be able to find my way back. Ugh, why didn’t I pay more attention on the way here?

<Aw, does the scaredy cat want to hold my hand so she doesn’t get lost?>

Maybe, if he hadn’t been such a jerk about it, I would have accepted. I just got annoyed though, and watched in fascination as a dark cloud formed over Nathan’s head, and began to pour rain.

I couldn’t do anything but laugh.

“I-I can’t--I can’t believe--I did that! It’s brilliant!” I said between fits of laughter

“Make it go away! Aw, come on, Amey I’m getting soaked!” Nathan pleaded with a pathetic puppy dog look on his face

“No way, it’s too funny! Plus, you deserve it.” I said controlling my laughter and just smirking now.

"Please! I'll do anything!" he said.

"Fine...but only because you said please."

After a few tries of trying to get the cloud to go away I got mad and said,

"You silly cloud go away you’re getting Nathan all wet...It was funny at first and you need to go!"

As soon as I finished saying that the cloud disappeared...weird. I looked back at the market and was scared again

Nathan held out his hand. “You can hold my hand if you’re scared, you know...If you want.”

Since he was a bit nicer this time I took his hand. It was barely noticeable, but a slight spark shot through my arm.

(I can't believe it, she actually is holding my hand. It actually worked.)

That sounded like Nathan, but he didn’t speak. Those were, his...thoughts?

I quickly tore my hand away from his and noticed a look of shock, hurt, and disappointment flash across his face quickly before being replaced with an emotionless mask.

“What’s wrong?”

"I.....I think I heard your thoughts.."

(That's not possible. She’s not supposed to be able to do that yet. How long has she been able to do this? Is the weather control from a Fae in the human world? Were they closer than we thought? NO, Amey, out of my thoughts.)

“Sorry, it’s kinda hard to control, didn’t mean to spy.” I said while watching his perplexed face.

Did he know I could collect powers? It sure sounds like what all this adds up to.

“Oh well, we’ll work that all out later, okay? For now let’s just enjoy the market. And, don’t tell anyone, alright?”

I nodded and we walked to the rest of the way into the market square, place, circle, thing.

We looked at all the booths and Nathan told me how to get stuff in the Fae realm. He said you go up to the owner say how much you love it, how wonderfully it’s crafted, and then walk away with it

. I didn't believe him so when I saw a necklace I absolutely had to have (it was a clear crystal on a gold chain that changed color with your mood) I asked him to get it for me. He walked over there, and I decided this would be a good time to use that mind reading thing. I couldn't get into Nathan's head so I tried the woman at in the booth. It was quite weird being in someone else’s thought’s, but I can’t give up now.

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