Becoming Fae 31

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Becoming Fae 31

A/N: I'm in the car on my way home from Florida ( which was awwwweessommmee I went toHogwarts!!! well.. At universal studios.. But still it was awesome) anywaays its really bumpy and I'm on my iPod so please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes. Oh! And one more very very important thing, if you have heard the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift do you think it goes with the chapter well? If not then what song? Kay thx! :) 

Vote, comment, and fan!! 

Cause then I will loves you forevah! :D


Nathan went to the dance with Sheila?

! WHAT!?!

No he hates Sheila why is he dancing with her? Did I miss something here? Oh! I almost forgot, I came to the dance with Jacobb.  

Wait.... I came to the dance with Jacobb,

Did Nathan go to the dance with Sheila because I went with Jacobb?

Or am I just way, way to paranoid.

"You wanna dance?" Jacobb asked.  

I pulled out of my thoughts.  

"Sure, sounds fun!" I said and flashed a fake smile. I was kinda confused right now and didn't really feel like smiling, but hey, it's a dance I'm supposed to be having fun.  

We walked out onto the dance floor. I wasn't really paying attention when I came in at first because of Nathan and Sheila, but the garden was set up beautifully. Fall colors surrounded the courtyard in the garden. Some earth years had turned all the leaves on the trees to make it look like fall, the dance floor looked like a thin sheet of ice over flowing water, of course it wasnt at all thin, or slippery.... but yeeaahh... 

Ugh! Pay attention Amethyst! Your at the dance floor! 

Wow, I'm referring to myself in third person now.. 

I went out to the dance floor and danced with Jacobb, Maddy, Saph, Chrys, and Jay. We all danced in that little group for awhile. I love this bracelet I bought... I know that's pretty random but the color of this bracelet matches my dress perfectly. I had to take off my protection charm bracelet, but oh well.  

The music started to change into a slow song. I put my arms around Jacobb's neck and he put his around my waist and we swayed to the music like everyone else. We were only like that for a couple of seconds before someone tapped us both on the shoulder. I turned to look who it was.


That backstabbing, Sheila dating, mind reading... Oh who am I kidding just seeing him here and I've already forgiven him. 

"Mind if I cut in?" Nathan asked.  

"I don't think-" Jacobb started but Nathan cut him off 

"Actually Amey here owes me a favor" he winked at me.  

Oh yeah... The favor he saved so he wouldn't pay me back for pulling him into the water... He remembered? 

"And why exactly does she owe you a favor?" Jacobb said in a tone of voice I had never heard him use. He was angry.  

But Nathan just kept his cool  

"She owes me a favor, because she owes me a favor. Anymore questions? Or do you want me to cut into the next song to since you've taken so much out of this one."  

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