Becoming Fae 7

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Becoming Fae (7)

I woke up the next morning and felt completely refreshed I looked out the window wall to see that the sun was just rising. The sky was a bright orange with pink and slight hues of purple. Hopefully this  beautiful sight was a sign that today was going to be a good day. I went over to my closet a picked out a baby blue flowing spaghetti strapped shirt with what looked like blue jeans. I guessed that i was  going to meet Nathan in the kitchen again so I went there. Nathan was staring off into space and looked over at me when I walked in.

"so I assume that your in a good mood with how pretty that sunrise is and all. Not a cloud in the sky" Nathan said "

I caused that sun rise to be pretty?!" I asked super confused 

"you caused the clouds that were there before to clear" he said giving  

me an fascinated look

"what?" I asked he looked away

"nothing" he said back

"so what's for tutoring today" I asked trying to change the subject.

"were going to flying peak"

I thought about that for a second  

"So I get to fly?!?!!?!" I screamed

" can't fly. It's just called that because of how high up it is. I thought we estabished  

already you ..... Can't ....... Fly"he said

I sighed that sucks......  

<are you ever going to get over the fact that Fae can't fly?>

{never!! I'm never gonna give up on the fact I can't fly.}

"okay well I guess we should get going" Nathan said after my little silent outburst

" how long is it gonna take to get there" I asked

"about an hour to get to the path and then another hour to get up the hill but trust me the veiw is worth it"

he responded while staring off into space. I wonder what this has to do with tutoring I thought.

< you can see almost the whole Capital city of the Fae realm from there it will really show you where you are>  

{sounds really pretty.}

<yeah it is.. Well except for.... Never mind you'll see when you get there>

"okay so let's go then" I said.


We walked to a path that led into a beautiful green lush forest. The path was flat at first and then converted into stairs that were carved out of the ground. It was a long and steep way up. This climb isn't going to be very fun. There were some distractions though like the butterflies fluttering above, the flowers and the occasional comment from Nathan. It was a long way up and I was starting to get tired.  

<getting tired?>

{yeah a bit}

<don't worry we're almost there.>


We walked for about 15 minutes before I saw anything that showed any sign that we were getting closer. Then the ground was evening up and the stairs ended. It was now just a path, the forest seemed to be thinning a bit to. About another 5 minutes later we came up to a clearing. I looked out over the  edge of the cliff and what I saw was the most beautiful thing I had seen since I got here.The sky was above like always and down on the ground I could see fields of grass and forests, lakes, rivers, and a crystalline castle that must be the capital, and there was a more worn down building made of stone, it also looked like a castle, must be the school I decided. I see what Nathan was talking about though, there was a section of the view, on the right, that was completelyblack and burnt, there was a little castle I guess you could call it that looked like it was made of pure darkness sorry if this sounds cheesy but there isn't another way to describe it. It almost seemed like it radiated pure hatred.  

"I dont like looking at that place over there" I pointed to it "It gives me the creeps" 

" yeah that's where the Dark Fae body ever goes around there.. sometimes even the darkFae are afraid of its center" Nathan responded... then said "well, I brought some food...lets eat and enjoy the Fae realm" 

We chatted a while about the places that stood out on the landscape Nathan showed me where his house was, it was small....didn't seemed like a family lived there, more like just him. He showed me where the school was (I was right about what it was), and  where mine and Chrystopher'shouses were. All in all it was a good time. Until I decided I wanted a closer look and walked over close to the ledge. I was leaning forward when Nathan startled me by saying

"watch out the ledge can sometimes be untable"

I jumped at his words because I was so focused on the view when I came down I noticed the the ground was rather shaky I said

"yeah your right I'm coming back"

That's when the ground underneath me gave out I reached up a searched frantically for something to grab on to I guess you could say it was luck that I found a strong tree root to hold on to, except  for the face that there was a sharp rock above jutting out above it that sliced into my arm

"OW!" I screamed out in pain "help!" I screamed

"I'm coming! Amey hold on!" Nathan called from somewhere above me

I hope I havent fallen to far down to where he cant reach me. And again I think luck played its part again. I was close enough to the top that Nathan could reach meand In seconds that seemed like hours I was back up on the top of the cliff with Nathan. 

"Nathan, my arm" I hissed out in pain

"Oh my,.... lets get you back home, your mom is a healer." 

The walk back was agonizing. I used my shirt to stop the blood for as long as possible but I barely made it to the end of the clearing before lost to much blood and I blacked out 


I guess Nathan  must have carried me the rest of the way..... That's really impressive considering how far away it is.. The next thing I knew I was laying on my bed and my arm was completely healed I would have thought it was all a dream were it not for the long bright pink scar on my arm. I Iookedaround my room and noticed that it was night. The stars were so beautiful here, no lights, nopollution to block them out. 

<you awake?>


<are you okay?>

{yeah my arms fine, except for that little *eh hem* big.. scar on my arm}

<I'm so sorry>

{Its not your fault I was the one stupid enough to walk to the edge}

< no I should have warned you before I'm really really sorry, if anything has happened....>

{No Nathan its no one but that cliff's fault no go back to sleep.}

I couldn't help but thinking how nice Nathan was being but quickly stopped when I remembered he could read minds..... 

<So I'm still a cute nice jerk?>

 Annnndddd there goes the niceness.....

{Get some sleep Nathan....and tomorrow why don't you tell me about Fae instead of taking me somewhere I need a day of rest...}

<I'm sorry again about the cliff Amey so so sorry>

{Like I said its not your fault}

I thought back and then drifted into a long dreamless sleep......... With just the occasional sting of the scar.

A/N: I gotta give props to people that post so many pages at one time. Hopefully once I get this story up and running I can post longer updates , but right now I'm just trying to get stuff up. 

For those of you that read I love ya'll, but if you VOTE, COMMENT , and read my friend craazy8's story halfbreed I WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE!! 


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