Becoming Fae 12

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Becoming Fae 12

When I woke up it was dark outside and no one was back yet so I decided to stay in the room till people got back since I didn't know my way around.



{ how long have I been asleep?}.

< I'd say about 7 hours. Why'd you sleep so long?>.

{ I don't know..... Where is everyone?}

< most of are in the dinning room.... Saphyre and Chrys are on a date>  

{ What are all y'all doing?}

<eating... Duh :p Just kidding. I mean we are eating. But.. * sigh* Madelyn is talking to Jay, and I'm talking to Jake>

{ whatcha talking about?}

< when did you get so nosy?>.

{ sorry..... I'm bored, never mind I guess...}  

I laid back down and curled up in the bed. Nathan had sounded really cold when he said that. After all those months of him tutoring me I kinda thought we were friends...... Guess I was wrong. I sat in the room by myself for who knows how long.. Nathan didn't say anything back so I just stared off into space until someone knocked on the door..... I so wasn't in the mood for this. I went to the door and opened it a crack..

"who is it ?" I asked.

It was a guy I didn't know

"no one you need to know" he said and He pushed the door wide open and grabbed my neck.

"I'm sorry I have to do this .. Your kinda pretty, but orders are orders" the guy said as he tightened his grip.

I couldn't breathe at all I had to get help my last resort was Nathan, I couldn't scream, he is my last chance.

{Nathan!!! Someone please help me!!!!!!}

Nathans POV

I really shouldn't have been so cold toward her, I mean I wouldn't have been if she wasn't the one we were talking about. She's going to hate me I should go apologize in person. I had walked about halfway to her room when I heard her screaming in my head.

{Nathan!!! Someone please help me!!!!!!!

I started running to her room. What was wrong? What if I couldn't help her myself? I wouldn't be able to live with myself, she's so important, not just to me but.... I have to help her!

I finally got to her door after what seemed like to long. It was open so I barged in this had better not be some sick trick. It wasn't. What I saw made my heart drop. Someone had they're hands around her neck. Choking her. Amey was limp on the floor, my heart felt like it was about to shatter. So much laid on her shoulders. She. Could. Not. Die. 

They were not going to get to her if I have anything to do with it.

"Get off of her!" I yelled as loud as I could, then I attacked him, within his own mind.

**Amethysts POV**

The last thing I heard before I passed out was someone yelling "get off of her!" I was so scared I didn't even have time to register who it was...... I'm still alive right? ..... I'm still thinking .... Maybe the person who yelled had saved me... Maybe they didn't and I'm dead... Forced to be by myself with only my thoughts for company.

< a little melodramatic don't you think?>


{ am I dead?!}

<you almost were I saved you though... No thanks necessary>

{so I'm unconscious somewhere and you think sarcasm is appropriate?} 

< psh.. Sorry princess but sarcasm is never innapropriate.> 

{whatever.... Where am I?}

<Schools healing centre>  

{ how long have I been out?}

<about a day>

{ so I didn't miss any classes?}.

< nope... And would you wake up... Jake's frantic worried thoughts are really getting on my nerves>. {sorry that my being unconscious is such an inconvenience for you}

I heard thunder clap outside. I could also hear some voices.

"...probably almost awake now..what with that thunder and all.." it was Saph 

"I'm still pretty worried what if whoever it was comes again? What if no one is there to help her?"

It was Jake. Okay eyes time to open. Nothing.... Come on..... Got it! I opened my eyes to see that Nathan was sitting at the foot if my bed staring off into space like always. Jacobb was on one side and Saph and Chrys were on the other.

"hey" I said ...

My voice sounded really hoarse.

"Maya, can you get her some water." Jacobb asked.

I guess that's the nurse or something. She brought me some water I gave her a quick thanks and began to quickly drink it. When I was done my voice was less scratchy,

"So how long have you guys been here?" I asked.

"Me and Chrys were in and out, but Nathan and Jake were her the whole time you were out" saph said. Hmmm... Interesting..

A\N: Sorry my uploads are so short but you got a little bitty bit of action on here so  

Comment: team Jacobb or Team Nathan? 

Vote: because then I will loves you 

And read my friend craazy8's story Halfbreed: because then i will loves you more!!

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