Becoming Fae 28

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Becoming Fae 28

A/N: Not much to say but vote comment fan..and enjoy!

I took a deep breath and walked out to where they all were.  

Maddie and Saph's faces were priceless the literally looked liked the were about to jump up and down and cheer they were smiling so big.

"This is the dress" Saph said  

"But I haven't even tried on the dress I wanted to wear!" I said.  

"Okay okay but first" she said and looked at Nathan, who I had been trying to act as if he wasn't there.  

"I think you should try the other dress on, I mean this one looks great on you.. But I still think you should try on the other one." he said his face completely expressionless  

I went into the dressing room and changed in to the gown I had picked. It took my breath away. I turned around and looked at the back in the mirror.. The dress had a low cut back. Oh I know! I brought out my wings and willed them to be blue, the same as the dress. I personally like it better with my wings.  

I took another deep breath and walked out. This time I looked at Nathan first. A look of shock and awe flashed across his face then another look that I couldn't quite place, and then nothing .. Expressionless 

"Oh my gosh!" Maddie and Saph said and started jumping up and down. "This is your dress, I take back what I said this is the one!" Saph said.

"You look totally hot Amey! Every guy is gonna want to dance with you!" Maddie said and I laughed 

"Wait, what about your dresses?" I asked them.  

"well we kinda already have ours" Saph said not looking the least bit guilty.

I rolled my eyes and went back into the changing room and changed into my regular clothes.  

{Nathan? Which one did you like best? I still can't really decide} 

<You looked beautiful in both of them> 

{That doesn't help me choose silly} 

<Well the purple one is great, but with the one you picked... The blue one... I liked the blue one the best> 

{Thanks I was leaning on getting the blue one} 


I grabbed the dress I wanted, thanked the person that owned the store and walked out. Nothing happened no alarms or anything so I felt a bit better

We spent the rest of that Saturday shopping for shoes and accessories. I ended up getting strappy silver heels with a little blue jewel on the front, sparkling blue earrings, and to my surprise Saph suggested I get a diamond necklace, I declined and said I was going to wear the necklace I always wore. I added silently in my head I'm going to wear the necklace Nathan got me. When we got back from our day of shopping Saph and Maddie hurried away leaving me and Nathan in the garden.  

"Amey?" He said  

"Yeah?" I asked

A/N: Sorry it's short this seemed like a good place to stop :D 

But anyways comment with what you think should happen next.

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