Becoming Fae-Ch.3

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A/N: You guys are the best, comment, vote, etc. etc. YAH BOOKS!

Becoming Fae-Ch. 3

"What do you mean I’ll die?”  I pointed an accusing finger at Nathan  “ How would you know anyways?”
I may have been able to keep my voice steady asking this, but just barely. I was scared, honest and truly scared.

“Well,” Began Saphyre as Nathan rolled his eyes at my forced act of bravery “we know because they’ve already tried once.”

Realization finally dawned on me, the car crash.

Even so that didn’t justify me going to a strange place with strange people I’ve never met before claiming I’m some mythical creature. that can control not only one, but all four elements. Seriously, what did they expect my reaction to be? Honestly though, I was considering going with them, Rachael seemed to know them, and apparently if I stayed here I would die.

“Fine,” I murmured after a minute or two of internally arguing with myself. I’m sure mind reading guy got a kick out of it. “Anything else?”

"Yeah a few things" Saphyre answered, she then took in a deep breath. Why would she do that?

"You will go to Fae school with us to learn how to control the elements and any special powers you may have. Nathan will tutor you in all things Fae culture, places, et cetera et cetera. You will live with your Fae family until school starts in 3 months, Nathan will be living In our house since he is tutoring you, you won't have to pack anything because we have a fully stocked closet of Fae clothes at our house, and we are going to the Fae realm by portal." she finished out of breath.

She could explain all that in one breath? Could she have possibly given a more complicated explanation? Wait, Nathan, is that invasion-of-privacy guy?


{Exactly. Right there. Invasion of privacy.}

<Hah, like you mind.>

{ I do mind!}

"Whoa that's a lot to take in." I said after I noticed I was getting stares for being silent for so long.

“Okay then everything’s settled. It’s time to go” Chrystopher said and began to chant in what sounded like latin.

Videamus ire per ostium.

A shimmering veil of what seemed like water unfolded in front of me, it was probably the deepest darkest shade of blue I had ever seen.  It almost looked....too dark.

“How do I know you aren’t Dark Fae? Why should I trust you?” I asked accusingly.

“Are you dead yet?” Nathan snapped.

"Not that I know of." I snapped back, more than tired of his bored, jerk act.

“Then we obviously aren’t.” he said as if he was speaking to an infant. “Now let’s go. Your real parents are waiting for you at your real home.”

Still hesitant I motioned for him to go in first. He rolled his eyes and stepped through casually. Satisfied that the portal itself wasn’t deadly, I stepped in. I would deal with what was on the other side when I got there. I know Saphyre said I couldn’t fly, but this portal transporation sure felt like it. I closed my eyesI was soaring, until I crashed on top of Nathan on the other side of the portal that is.

“I’m sorry!” I exclaimed as soon as I realized what had happened.

Nathan scrunched up his face at my exclamation, it was only now that I realized I was almost touching faces with him, and on top of him.

“Oh, uhm, sorry.” I said apologizing once again, this time for both landing on him and yelling in his ear.

“It’s fine, no harm done, ‘cept for my ear that is. Why are you so darn loud?” His breath brushed against my face as he spoke caressing my skin with its sweet fragrance before leaving.

“Sorry” I mumbled looking away and towards the ground.

“You know, you could get up...” He said bringing my attention back to his face and his shining light brown eyes.

“Oh, right, yeah, I’ll do that now” I said rolling off to the side onto a soft patch of grass. I could feel my cheeks turn a bright shade of red.

Our little collision and conversation must not have lasted long because it was only now the other two appeared through the portal.

I glanced from them up to the sky, which wasn’t hard to do from my position on the ground. The sky was blue like, what is it called the human realm? I’m going to go with that for now. The sky was blue, but it had a much greener hue to it than back home, not completely green, just enough for it to look different. That wasn’t what caught my attention the most though. Though not in the center of the sky, a reddish planet seemingly dominated the sky, without taking up very much of it. The planned had a bright red look to it, with what seemed like clouds swirling on its surface. Bright silver rings marked its equator with brilliance. Three moons orbited the mysterious planet. It was breathtaking. The other major feature in the sky was a bright star, which surprisingly, looked exactly like the sun back in the human realm, except maybe a bit brighter.

“Why are you two on the ground?” Saph asked with a questioning look on her face

“I fell.”  Was my brilliant answer, it earned a chuckle out of both Chrys and Saph.

I slowly stood up and took in the world around me. The grass, which I hadn’t had the focus to notice a little bit ago, was a bright shade of deep green, greener than any grass I had ever seen. Suddenly I smelled a heavenly aroma coming from my right, left, front, and basically from every direction. The source was flowers scattered around the field we had landed in. Every flower was a different color it seemed. Some of the colors I hadn’t ever seen or imagined, there seemed to be a mix match of all the colors in the entire universe right here in this field. The smell itself was like strawberries and chocolate, but that’s not possible. It’s just a coincidence those are my two favorite smells, right? Maybe they’re magic flowers. I inhaled a deep breath and looked over at the others, they were quietly chatting amongst themselves, and I suddenly felt out of place and left out. What was I thinking? I took another deep breath of the flower fragrance and coughed to get their attention.

“Why do you guys look so bored? This place is amazing?” I asked bewildered

“We’re just used to it all I guess” Saph replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

How could you possibly get get used to a place like this? It’s so strange and beautiful!

<You should have seen Saph when we got to the human realm, her face was unbelievably funny.>

{Nathan, why must you invade my personal thoughts?!}

<Simply because I can, there is nothing you can do about it, and your reaction is hilarious.>

I looked at his face, it was a mask of no emotion with not even the slightest bit of amusement in his eyes, my thoughts were funny, huh? I can totally tell, jerk.

<A cute jerk, lest you forget.>

{Just shut up and get out of my thoughts!}

As I had my inner outburst of yelling at Nathan, a loud clap of thunder sounded overhead even though there were no clouds to be seen.

"Amethyst, I  think we figured out you power" Nathan said, a bit of awe shone in his eyes.

"What?" Saphyre asked before I had the chance to.

"Well," he answered "she was mad at me for talking to her in her thoughts, and she had yelled at me through her thoughts at the same exact time that thunder sounded. Amethyst" he turned to me "You can control the weather, so you think you can control your emotions enough to keep it from raining? At least until we get to the house?” He said mockingly and winked at me.


<A cute jerk>

{Don't make me give you your own personal raincloud}

.<Wow you sure know how to hurt a guy's feelings don't ya?>

{Great, now not only am I a faerie, I’m a faerie that hears a voice in my head, and now that voice has feelings?! I’m going insane, aren’t I?}

Nathan burst out laughing causing two pairs of eyes to dart towards him, I didn't look because I was pretty sure I knew what was making him laugh.

"Okay......maybe we should start walking to the house?" Saphyre suggested with a still questioning look in her eyes.

I wish I could fly, I absently thought as we began our trek. If I could fly I wouldn’t have to walk. I hate walking.

Nathan sighed and rolled his eyes. Hey, it’s not my fault he’s the one reading my mind! You’d think he’d be a little less obvious about it too.

We walked for what seemed like 30 minutes maybe, and surprisingly I didn't feel tired at all when a house came into view.

“Woah!” I yelled the others just laughed at my outburst.

"Welcome home Amey" Saphyre said.

"Amey?" I asked confused

"It's short for Amethyst silly! Oh and you can call me Saph or Saphy If you want" Saph said
"Okey dokey Saphy Waphy!" I said in an excited tone.

Chrystopher and Saph both laughed but stone cold Nathan over there just rolled his eyes.
He’s such a spoilsport.

Back to the house. I took another look at it. Long story short it was a tree but it was HUGE. The trunk looked like what was the house itself and there were flower buds of different colors coming of the branches, they looked big enough to be rooms, they probably were. This tree was odd in the fact that it didn’t have any leaves, just the branches and buds.
At the base of the trunk there were two people standing outside the house, a man and a woman.
These can’t be my parents can they? The looked to be about in their mid or early 20's.

<Faeries age extremely slowly after age 18 your parents are actually about 40 years old. Faeries can live up to 5 or 6 hundred years though.>

Wow was all I could think.
Then suddenly a new thought hit me like a barrel of bricks.

What if they don't like me? What If they send me back!? This place is amazing I don't want to go back!

I was working myself into hysterics

<Calm down, they're your parents, they're going to love you trust me.>

I walked up to them.

"Welcome home Amey. We missed you so much!" The woman said as she pulled me into a tight hug, and then the man next to her hugged me. I stepped back and smiled at them.

Huh, so Nathan was right.

<Told you so>

And to think I was just starting to consider him a decent person, there goes that thought

"So lets get you settled into your room shall we?" My ‘mom’ said.

"I'll take her up!" Saphy immediately offered. "Come on lets go!" She said as she grabbed my arm.

All the way up the stairs we kept laughing and then we would fall because we were laughing so much which made us laugh more. We got right to the door and just the door itself was amazing. It was a dark wood With Amethysts forming a design on the door. The doorknob itself was a clear purple crystal which I assumed was may sound over done but it was breathtaking. I reached for the doorknob, opened it, and gasped.

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