Becoming Fae 27

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Becoming Fae 27 

A/N: Hey I realize I haven't updated in awhile sorry D; been a bit sidetracked by end of the year business at school. Oh well here's chapter 27!!!

I don't really know how long I was asleep when I heard someone coming in the room, must be Saph and Maddie coming in. Whoever it was tripped and I heard someone whisper  

"Shhh Saph! She's asleep!"  

Oh okay it is Maddie and Saph. wait.....weren't they in here before? And with that thought I fell back asleep.  

"Oooo Amey!!! Wake up!! You sleepy head!" Saph said.  

Why is she such a morning person.. Ugh .. 

"Whadajuwant" I mumbled into my pillow.  

"We're going shopping today remember?!" Saph said while smacking me over the head with a pillow.  

"Idunwanna" I mumbled into my pillow again.  



{Saph is trying to make me go shopping, make her stop pwease} 

<Erm... Well I kinda suggested she take you shopping in the first place.. You know something to do after you got kidnapped that would be normal> 

{Nathan! You did this!!?} 

<Yeah... I didn't know Saph would go all super crazy though..> 

{Its Saph... And shopping... What do you mean you didn't think she would go super crazy?!?!} 

<Yeah.. Guess I didn't think..> 

{You know what.. I have an idea} 

<Oh no> 

{Oh no is right, you're going shopping with us as payback} 

<I really don't waaaaannnaa> 

{What are you, 5?} 

<If I say yes do I still have to go?> 

{Yes, you owe me Nathan.} 


"AMETHYST CRYSTAL JEWEL YOU GET UP RIGHT NOW!" Saph yelled right in my ear.  

"Okay okay.. I'm up mom." I rolled my eyes at her.

She stuck her tongue out at me. I got up and got changed into a nice little sundress that was a bright yellow, it was still about 75 degrees outside so I would say this was appropriate.  

I finished getting ready and asked Saph why we were going shopping anyways.  

"There's a dance coming up silly! It's the coming of fall dance, kind of like your human realms Halloween... except not dressing up as silly little interpretations of magical creatures. It's formal and we need dresses." Maddie said from behind me making me jump.

A dance? Of course they would be excited... both of them have boyfriends.. but what if no one asks me? Ugh... 

"Okay then let's get this over with.." I said  

"Yay let's go!" Saph said and danced out of the room.  

Me and Maddie followed her and I saw that she was talking to Nathan. She caught my eye and winked.. What was that about? She came back over.

"Nathans gonna cone with us to help pick out our dresses isn't that awesome?" Saph said.  

"Yeah just wonderful now let's go!" Maddie said while tapping her foot on the floor.

It didn't take us long to get to the market. It was a different one from before. This one was closer to the school.  

"Okay here's the dress shop" Saph said as we walked into a little boutique.

Saph immediately went to the formal dresses, obiously she had been here before, and Maddie followed quickly behind.  

"I'm gonna pick out some dresses for you to try on Amey" Saph said with a big grin on her face.. Oh no.. 

"You might wanna find some dresses before Saph attacks you with dresses to try on" Nathan said. It made me jump I forgot he was here actually.  

"Good idea" I said and walked over to the formal dresses and tried to decide on a color.

Purple would be so expected my eyes were purple so it would be the predictable color.. Wait... I collect powers right... That means... I can change my eye color! Maddy's power! I grinned I would have to try that out later.  

I saw something shimmer to my right and I turned to look at it. It was the most beautiful gown I had ever seen. It was like flowing water in the way it looked. It was a deep blue not as bright as sky blue but not quite as dark as navy. It was floor length and had almost a mermaid style to the way it was shaped. I gently picked it up off the rack.  

"Come on Amey I have some dresses for you to try on" Saph said then she saw the dress I had said "Ooo that's pretty"she said and started dragging me to the dressing room. "Save the one you pick for last, oh and come out here for every dress" she said as she stuck me in a room.

I turned around.. This is going to take forever. I tried on a burnt orange colored dress that was about mid thigh length and was skin tight Oh no what was I thinking letting Saph pick out my dresses!

"I'm not coming out in this!" I said

"fine... But you are going to come out" Saph said back and since I was in a locked dressing room there wasn't much she could do to get me out. I saw a light purple dress that was about kneelength and flowed like silk the top of the dress had a heart shaped neckline and one strap that had a flower where it connected to the dress. It was beautiful I grabbed it and put it on. I almost walked out of the dressing room to show Saph, Maddie and.... Oh no Nathan's out there!

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