-17- Off The Grid

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"But... Baku look very yummy~" He purred before shaking his head. "Sorry, Kiri Alpha going crazy." He poked the side of his head making Bakugou giggle.

"It's alright Kiri, I kind of want to see that side of you..." Bakugou knew that it wouldn't end well but maybe that's what he wanted.

"Baku sure?" He asked making Bakugou chuckle before nodding, Kirishima gently closed his eyes and in a long second a predatory growl could be heard from him, Bakugou gulped before quietly yelping from the surprise of being flipped over. Kirishima was now hovering above him with heavy breaths, growling before exhaling and repeating. Bakugou would be lying he said that sight didn't turn him on at least a little bit. He saw Kirishima start to move, his head moving with the rest of his body, yet his arms stayed put on either side of Bakugou's face, his hands tensing and un-tensed as he moved. Bakugou gulped before he felt Kirishima start sloppily kissing his neck causing him to whimper quietly. Kirishima and his Alpha had adapted to fit both human and mer customs so he could do it both ways, plain and simple or extreme and slow. He rolled his body against Bakugou's as he slowly pulled his face away from Bakugou's neck, looking down with heavy lids at all the marks he left, a smug smirk on his face.

"Baku look so cute with marks~" He purred, just then a splash was heard at the entrance of the cave, Kirishima flipped himself around to see Midoriya with Todoroki beside him.

"Hey Bakugou, work is starting soon, thought I should let you know since you seem too busy to notice the time. Plus is so dark in here it always feels like night doesn't it?" He spoke aloud looking up at the ceiling of the cave, not fully recognizing the situation. Bakugou's face was bright red and he was about to cuss out his co-worker but Kirishima beat him to it, snarling loudly causing Todoroki to look at them and Midoriya to look away.

"Sh-Shoto, Kirishima doesn't want u-us here... I-I think-" Midoriya was cut off by Kirishima himself.

"Baku no leave." He growled in a booming and clearly angry voice.

"Todoroki, Midoriya. I need you two to do me something, when you get to the beach tell the lifeguards that if anyone asks about me, I don't exist, alright? They'll pass the message along to the others, Midoriya tell Shinsou and the rest of the friend group the same thing, I don't exist anymore. As for work, when you get there and the boss asks about me tell him you have no clue where I am since you don't keep in contact with me much, he doesn't give a shit and it'll blow over in a bit after he realizes when I don't show he doesn't pay. As for everyone else in the office, tell them you don't know where I am. I'm dropping off the map." Bakugou explained his elaborate plan. Todoroki and Midoriya nodding before diving under the water, both to do their roles. Kirishima looked down to Bakugou.

"No leave?" He asked, his voice much softer.

"Yes Kiri, I'm not leaving for a long time." He confirmed smiling softly, Kirishima letting out a soft trill pulling Bakugou into a tight hug.

"Yay! It always hurt when Baku leave that long!" He exclaimed like a happy child, Bakugou sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" He asked worriedly. "I would have stayed back a lot more, I didn't know it hurt when I left that long..." He trailed off, guilt washing over him.

"It no hurt Kiri that bad! Kiri strong!" He exclaimed, flexing his muscles the same way some cheesy man would do at the gym to get 'chicks'. But instead of brushing off his cockiness like normal, Bakugou felt quite attracted to the gesture which must be part of the chemical change in his brain.

"Kiri~" He cooed, Kirishima's vision snapping to the sound of his gentle and smooth voice. Kirishima backed himself up at bit to give Bakugou some room, he sat up making the 'closer' action with his finger causing Kirishima to come right back, he wrapped his arms around his neck gently letting them lay lax on his back. Kirishima chuffed, looking at his neck hungrily, Bakugou rolled his head to the side giving Kirishima a better view making him chuff again. With a wild smirk he lowered his head, beginning to slowly press gentle and soft kisses on the side of it which slowly graduated into slowly and passionately sucking on his neck, letting his teeth graze occasionally.

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