-24- Not so fun time

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Guys senior year is actually anally raping me help (ಥ﹏ಥ)
This semester (my *easy* semester) I have U Chemistry, U Functions, and U French... next semester is U Biology, U Calculus, U Physics, and U English.
Midwest Emo is my only saviour right now (˘ -˘ )

"Don' worry Baby, we aren't done~ I just gotta get these shorts off~" He purred, the strong arm magically fell to the ground allowing the blonde to get off with ease. He grinned before standing to his feet, taking the shorts off after a few struggling tugs and throwing them right at the waters edge. He sauntered back over to the redhead and was immediately pulled down by two clawed hands with a happy screech and giggles. Laying on a scalding hot, broad chest he attempted to push back to sit up, arms as solid as marble anchored him in place. With a new sense of claustrophobia he struggled harder, now his only objective being to break free. "Kiri. Let. Let me out!" His voice had a twinge of franticity (Wattpad is trying to tell me this isn't a word but I swear it is.) A loud growl sounded from Kirishima's chest, vibrating through the blondes whole body. Katsuki's brain chemistry changed, from being stressed out and fuzzy his thoughts became clear, well, clear on one thing, that he needed to resolve whatever what bothering his alpha. He looked around the best he could, trying to figure out what could have angered the mer. Kirishima shot up, tail fanning out over top of them both, completely covering Bakugou's body. His growls had escalated to full on snarling, Katsuki attempted to push his tail aside, to see what was happening, but he was pushed back into the mer's chest, his skin radiating heat. He heard Kirishima begin talking to whatever or whoever had showed up.

"Leave." Bakugou focused all his drunken brain power on trying to translate what was being said, almost all of it going right over his head. His head whipped back when he heard his and Kirishima's call, but something was off. His brain didn't turn it's attention to it like he usually did, no that wasn't all, it wasn't right. A copycat. He heard a harsh snarl and snap of teeth come from the redhead. "HOW DARE YOU." The blonde was so confused, he couldn't process what was happening. Kirishima is clearly very upset, I don't know what to do to fix that, then there is this mystery person who was trying to coax me out of my... get me out of the cave. Only one other creature had tried to get him out of the cave, into the open water where he was more vulnerable.

"You shouldn't hog, the humans say sharing is caring, why not follow their customs since you love them so much." The voice sounded so familiar to him now, not that he could understand what it was saying. I thought Kiri delt with him. Why is he back. "I knew you would be stupid enough to come back to this cave. I guess it's a den of sorts since your human mate can't breathe underwater." This was definitely bad, and his hard on really wasn't helping the concoction of feelings in his head. He felt so guilty, guilty for even considering reacting to a call that was so obviously not the same as the personalized one made for him. The copycat call was repeated, this time he gave no reaction, gripping onto Kirishima harder, fingers slightly clawing into his scarred back.

"Kiri." He whispered lowly, watching as the mer's gaze snapped to his face, his whole body was filled with anger. "I want to go back to before. Make it go away. I wanna be with you~ Please." His voice dripped with desperation. He wanted this nightmare to be over. Kirishima looked back to the other alpha growling. He let out a quiet whimper when he was suddenly moved off Kirishima's warm chest, now sitting on the wet sand with his arms wrapped around himself. He watched intently as the redhead slithered his way to the other alpha. He puffed out his chest once they were a few inches apart. Growling lowly. Bakugou just wanted this over. He didn't want Kirishima to get hurt, not again, not ever. But he did want the other alpha gone, for good, and he didn't care what measure needed to be taken for that to happen.

"Come on then. Big scary top alpha. Your human mate has made you soft, like a pet. Just listening to whatever order it gives you. Your rut has made you weak and vulnerable to it's spell." Without any more hesitation and a loud roar-like snarl. Kirishima was launching himself onto the other alpha. The fight was very vocal, snaps; snarls; and other animalistic sounds erupting from them both. Bakugou felt helpless, there was nothing he could do to help but stay put and not get in the way. There wasn't a clear winner just yet but what would he do if Kirishima did loose? No, he couldn't loose. He's too strong for that,,, right? He also couldn't imagine that he could just go back to normal after knowing Kirishima had killed the other mer, even though he was almost completely sure Kirishima had killed before, probably many times, the key word being probably, he didn't know how he felt about being fully aware of it.

The two flopped back into the shallow water, he was worried that they would leave the cave, launching to his feet but still staying in place. Worried to get caught in the crossfire. Kirishima would never forgive himself if I got hurt because I did something stupid like that. He wished there was someone he could go to for help, but Kirishima was the help in his situation. He wasn't used to being so helpless, he was usually the problem solver. He paced slightly, but when he noticed the redhead had a new disadvantage he stopped, sitting back down. He was becoming a distraction. He watched the whole fight, watching as Kirishima became slower, dodging swipes and bites just in time, until it was no longer 'just in time', he started taking the hits, and when he got pinned Bakugou was on his feet again.

"Like I said. You got soft and weak. Thats what complacency does to Alphas. Too bad, I will enjoy using and killing your human though." He laughed out while Kirishima snarled, fighting against the hand on his face that was pushing him into the sand. He gave, letting his straining neck go limp. A loud laugh came from the alpha above.

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