-5- Eat Your Tongue

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So I'm not super sure how many chapters are going to be in here but I think it's going to be from 15-20 if the plan I made works out, if not then I'll figure something out!

Warnings: Making out, smut (It's probably going to be in every chapter at this point...), police officers

"Hey, you know what I just thought of?" Everyone looked to the pink-haired girl

"Why don't we all pitch our cash together and get a small house on the beach! They don't cost too much since the wave pattern is kinda crazy... as we saw. And since the mermaids are always around here taking people and messing around with them people don't like living on the shore!" Ashido suggested making them all think.

"Yeah but getting to my job would be impossible..."

"Wait, didn't you say you wanted to re-do collage and get another job a few weeks ago?" Kaminari asked, they all knew how much Bakugou hated the desk job, having to sit for hours typing away on a computer.

"Well, yeah... But that would take a while and I would still have to go to work to get money to pay for it." He mumbled.

"Thats perfect! You can become a marine biologist or something and just sit with Kirishima all day as your studies!" Kaminari shouted.

"Thats not as easy as it seems..." He looked to see Kirishima smiling at him contently, definitely not understanding the conversation, he seemed to block out their words if they weren't directed towards him.

"But I guess it works..." He mumbled before touching the side of Kirishima's face gently alerting him he was talking to him.

"How do you feel about all of us moving right on the beach so we can be with you and Shinsou?" He asked, the mermaid didn't give a verbal response instead pulled Bakugou into a hug and trilled happily before slapping his tail on the wet sand slightly splashing Ashido.

"Hey!" She shouted trying to cover herself.

"Don't get your fish juices on me!" She shouted making Kaminari burst out laughing before mocking her. Bakugou was more concerned on the fact that Kirishima's hands were travelling lower and lower at a fast pace.

"Baku... Mate now?" He asked but Bakugou closed his eyes and shook his head lightly.

"Wait a bit longer ok?" He whispered and Kirishima's hand retreated back to his lower and upper back.

"Ok..." He mumbled before they both turned to see Kaminari and Ashido bickering, Shinsou was watching closely. Kirishima brought Bakugou to his chest and hopped over to the purple mer, his tail was reversed from Kirishima's in a way, the colour for the base which was a lilac purple with dark purple and black coloured fins. Shinsou seemed pretty focused on Kaminari and Ashido but jolted backwards when he felt Kirishima's presence next to him, he got on defence hissing lightly, Bakugou thought if he understood Kaminari he might understand him too.

"It's alright, Kirishima won't hurt you I promise, before he only did it because he was worried you were hurting me... which you were... but that's not the point." Kirishima was glaring at him with a raised lip but stayed still next to him.

"Kiri be nice." The mer sighed before dropping his lip and sniffer the other, he looked terrified that this massive Alpha was sniffing him. After a few sniffs he grumbled and looked back to Bakugou.

"Can Kiri eat Baku tongue again?" He asked making Bakugou snort, breaking out laughing.

"You want to what?!" He exclaimed making Kirishima frown.

"Other Kiri people say huma's eat other huma's tongues when they mate..." Kirishima said pushing a finger onto Bakugou cheek.

"Oh! You mean kissing! I'm not trying to eat your tongue Kiri it's different..." He explained.

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