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A ShinKami version for Potato_king190 This is not a chapter that correlates to the plot but more of a side-view on how Kaminari and Shinsou are getting on with their own struggles.

Shinsou's rut is coming soon, considering we met not too long after Bakugou and Kirishima. I can tell he is starting to get the effects from it, he was being much more possessive lately, getting more on Kirishima's level. I wonder if he wants me to do the transformation like Bakugou did. I know we briefly talked about it before but I haven't really heard his side of things.

They were both laying on the beach, gently drifting in and out of cat-naps, he was laying between the blonde's legs with his head on his stomach and soft hands running through slightly damp purple hair.

"Yo Shinsou?" Kaminari called out, not fully sure if he was awake or still dreaming. A sleepy-voice hummed in return, he noticed as an eye peaked open to look before shutting again. "How would you feel 'bout me doin' that transformation thingy before your rut starts?" He asked, the mer groaned lightly realizing this was going to be more than just a quick chat, his eyes opened again, irises irritated and shrunken from the change of light.

"I don't really care what you do, it's not up to me. It's extremely painful and I enjoy both your time and your body as a human. I don't see why you would put yourself through so much pain just to change one insignificant thing about yourself." His voice was still low and tired, one of his claw-filled hands came up and rubbed at his eye. He let out a yawn before resting his head back on the blondes stomach.

"So... you don't want me to? How come you pushed Bakugou and Kirishima to do it?" He tried to clarify. He heard a tired sigh.

"I don't care what you choose, if you want to then great, if you don't then that's amazing as well. Kirishima is a bit different than me, he relies more on his instincts than I do." He paused to think. "How can I put this nicely... he's... not as logical. I can think things over where he prefers to act on the first impulse he gets. So it would be better for Bakugou to be thinking the same way, it was clear he would be an Omega just by the way he acted as a human. Seems like you'd be a beta like me. So considering I'm stronger intellectually I don't mind wether you stay human or decide to change who you are. Doesn't effect me or what we 'do' so I couldn't care less." The blonde thought about what was being said, he tried to register the information the best he could, unfortunately that took a few minutes of being glared at by a sleepy mer.

"Kay... makes sense. You still haven't really answered though. I asked what you want." By now Shinsou was getting fed up with this pointless back and forth conversation. With a grunt he shoved his face into the others stomach.

"Just shut up and stop thinking about it. Go back to sleep." He commanded, using a strong arm to push the other down.

It was beginning to get dark, their friends were coming down to the beach to celebrate Sero achieving another degree, this would be his third. That meant Kaminari and Shinsou were tasked with getting Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Kami?" The mer asked, leaning on his elbows on the sand while watching his blonde mate attempt to adjust to the frigid water, standing just ankle deep.

"Yes. This stuff is important to Sero, we need Bakugou there." He explained, now moving a bit further in so the water was at his ankles.

"You know you'll adjust faster if you just dive in right?" He heard a snort.

"Yea sure! You're built for this stuff remember? I'm not made to go from the nice warm sand to the freezing cold water in seconds." He pouted, crossing his arms while inching deeper in.

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