Chapter One

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"Hey," I said as I approached our table in the dining hall. "You are late," Sasha said as she bit into her chicken. "Yeah, very late, because the three of you decided not to wake me up in class while it was time for dining," I said with a dissatisfied look. They looked down in shame, and I smiled. My friends had a funny way of saying sorry.

Sorry. Best friends.

Sasha and I grew up together. We have known ourselves since primary two. Felicia became part of us when we went to the pool. We've known her for the past six years. And finally, the only idiot but funniest was Jay. We met him three and a half years ago. Since then, he has been our best friend. People say we are full of ourselves, but you will throw that judgment away if you get to know us better. "We saved some food for you. So you see, we care about you," Jay said with a smile and a wink, and we all burst into laughter. "Okay. Thanks," I said sarcastically. I was about to speak again when Mister Thompson came to the hall. He was a very annoying man who was hated by ninety-nine percent of the student body. His rule was I talk, you shut up, and listen attentively. So rude. As he made his way to the front for everyone to get a better view of him, he took the microphone and cleared his throat noisily. Good Afternoon, everyone, he started, "The results are in for last term's promotional exams. Overall, the grades were encouraging, but three students didn't make it." He stopped talking as people had started murmuring. I saw my friends tense up. We just smiled at each other and kept quiet. "SILENCE!!" He screamed, and the whole place went dead. He scanned the room like one would do when searching for a rat that had escaped the zoo. "Why can't he wait till we finish our food! We just started eating," Jay said sadly as he muttered to himself. Jay was very emotional. Sasha placed her hand on his shoulders as Felicia patted his back. I just smiled at him, not knowing exactly what to do. "Knowing the rules of this school, if you happen to fall under the required mark; — He paused to scan the crowd the again — You will be forbidden to go to the next level. The following students will be asked to stay for a year again in their previous class." Mister Thompson was a clear Ass. Can't he be done already? I asked myself silently. "So — he continued and eyed the piece of paper in his hand - Jason Herberts, Frankson Philips, and Solomon Mettle should note that they are sitting their second year again." With that announcement done, Mister Thompson left, and we resumed eating. "I hope he will be okay," Felicia stated as she had her eyes on her food. "Yeah, they will be fine knowing how they carry themselves about, " Sasha said. Jay nodded and gulped down half of his drink. "See, is that not them leaving?"Felicia asked, practically in tears. We all turned and saw the three boys leaving with smiles on their faces. Weird right? I just turned back in time to see Felicia wiping her tears. "Don't tell me you are still not over that jerk. He broke your heart. You can't still have feelings for him. In fact, why are you sorry!" Sasha screamed quietly at her, and I blinked in disbelieve. Felicia and Jason's relationship had been a mess from when it began. Jason had cheated on Felicia with a form two senior under our noses. Finding out had been a big blow to her, and it had been weeks until she got over him. Or at least we thought she was over him. "No, that's not what I'm saying. I just can't be in the same class with him," Felicia replied silently. I didn't want to get involved in the conversation, so I sat quietly as they exchanged words. Jay twisted his head in a direction, and I followed, my eyes widening and promising not to fall out of their sockets if I didn't behave, but the organisms that made their way to our table did not allow me to obey the instructions my eyes gave. "Are they coming towards this table?" I asked Jay as soon as I found my voice. "Hey, ladies." One organism said as they approached us. "AND GENTLEMAN," Jay screamed silently. I turned to face Sasha, but her eyes were completely locked with the organisms by our table. "Yeah, how may we help you?" Sasha asked. Trust Sasha to save a situation and will have it perfectly done. "Nothing much. You've heard the news. Meaning, we will be at the same level and not your Seniors anymore. So to cut the chase, we want to hang out with you guys. Maybe sit at your table during lunch," Frankson said with a smile. I liked Frankson, don't get me wrong, he was bad, but he was better compared to his other friends. On the other hand, Solomon was the shy one amongst them, but he was what you would call a wolf in sheep's clothing. He had dated almost half of the form three seniors. Jason, the jerk, was the best looking of them. His eyes were slightly slanted, with lashes long enough to make him look like a girl. His jaw bone was perfectly placed, and his muscular body; trust me; if he was a celebrity, he would pass for the most handsome. His curly hair was always messy, but I guess that added to what made him beautiful. Yes, beautiful. He just looked on finished as Frankson finished his speech. His gaze shifted to Felicia, and I could feel my heart burning. Not burning because of love like other youngsters did when they saw an idol, but burning with rage because he broke my best friend's heart. "If you want to hang out with us, then I think it's a no." I heard Felicia say beside me. I held her hand and squeezed it slightly. "You want to hang out with us? After all that you did to Felicia, and you think we will just say yes? You better be kidding me," Jay said as his face lit up with anger. Solomon turned to face me. I lifted a brow at him. I could see a smirk on his lips. "Tasha, what do you say? You haven't spoken since this conversation started." Sasha was about to interrupt, but I raised my hand to stop her. Solomon was nice, but after he spread rumors about him and me dating, I just hated him. To make matters worse, he said he had slept with me. So you could see why Sasha wanted to talk instead of me. "What my friends say is final. If they say no, I'm okay with it."Jay smiled. "Can we pack our stuff? We have class, and time cannot be wasted on such idiots, Sasha said bitterly." She hated the trio with the very last drop of blood in her veins. We quietly stood up and packed our bags, and left them. **********************************************************************************

"Who the hell do they think they are? Just showing up and saying trash," Sasha retorted as she sat in her seat. "Guys, it's okay. I'm over him. It's in the past. Just let them be, and let's move on," Felicia said to calm us down, but I guess she just added petrol to the already blazing fire. Jay sprang up from his seat and faced Felicia within a split of a second. "Wow, I never knew you had the heart to forgive that easily. You better sit your ass down before I cut your throat." Jay screamed, and the class turned to look at us. "Jay, I think we should talk about this when class is over. Please, let's end it," I said, patting his back. The teacher entered the class and the rest of the day just went on without any incident until the final period ended. My friends left before me since I decided to stay back for some minutes. As I sat in class doing whatever I was doing with my nails, I felt someone in front of me. I just looked up, and my tongue got stuck in its root. In front of me stood the masculine figures of Frankson and Solomon. After some minutes of silence, they decided to sit beside me. "Tasha, we know you hate us, and I know your friends hate us as much as you do." Solomon started, 'but we just want to be friends with you guys. I'm sorry about the rumors spread about you. I liked you very much, but I couldn't have you, that's why I did what I did. But I now know you don't feel the same way, and probably a different guy is receiving that attention. But convince your friends we want to hang out with you." He finished with a smirk. I guess my tongue must've been finally woken up because I heard myself say, "Before you guys can sit with us during lunch, you must quit your class bunking behavior. You must tell your friend, Jason, to apologize to Felicia, and finally, you must respect Jay. If you can comply with these rules, I can convince them."

"No problem, we can comply," Solomon said with that smirk still on the spot and quickly perked me on my cheeks.

"I need to go to the dormitory and prepare to sleep, no preps, meaning see you guys tomorrow,"I said as I made my way out. **********************************************************************************

Felicia's POV

"You better be kidding me if you want us to agree to sit with them. Sasha said bluntly. Look, it's a No for Felicia or me. What do you say?" Sasha asked me, but I wasn't ready to answer, so I just smiled. Tasha had raised the topic, and Sasha disagreed, but I wasn't prepared to talk about those boys, so I just decided to concentrate on my food. Tasha turned to look at me, but realizing she wasn't getting anything out of me anytime soon, she diverted her gaze to Sasha and continued arguing. Tasha was nice. Very pretty, if I may add. In our years of friendship, I'd known her to be nerdy, very observant, and disciplined.

Most students respected and admired her, and I knew for sure she would be made a prefect when the form 3s left. Before the end of my relationship with Jason and even before the start, I knew he had feelings for Tasha. He always looked at her with admiration even though we were in a relationship, but Tasha failed to notice since she had stopped trusting boys since her breakup with Jude, a boy from a neighboring school. He wanted to be with her, but the only way was to use me since Tasha is 'the hard to get' type of person. While Jason and I were still together, he stated clearly during one of our many fights that he loved Tasha, but he couldn't get her and hence dated me instead. I couldn't hate Tasha because it wasn't her fault. She still thought I broke up with Jason because he cheated. But that was a lie. I couldn't date a guy knowing he was interested in my best friend. For all I know, Jason was still in love with Tasha, and that was why he and his friends wanted to sit at our table. Sasha hit me, snapping me back to reality. They both looked at me with a confusing look. As if they said something and were waiting for an answer. Without question, I just told them okay. "Then tomorrow, Jason, Frankson, and Solomon are sitting at our table and will hang out with us forever. All we need is to tell Jay," Tasha said, and I knew I had just given in to the one thing I did not want, and I had to deal with the consequences.

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