CHAPTER 9, Talks

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// Hey guys, your girl is back. Hope you like the new chapter. Its just that my ass was too lazy to think and type. Sorry for the delay. I know I  have many grammatical errors, and I am trying my best to avoid it. If you notice any mistakes, please don't comment harsh comments. I hope you all have a enjoyable day. Love you guys... XOXO //  


I am currently sitting on Lucas's lap, cuddling to him, in the living room. Waiting for a man, who is supposed to be Riya's father. She is sitting on the couch opposite to us, reading a magazine. Hunter has laid his head on her lap, playing games. Albert is sitting on the cushion chair, scrolling on the phone. But actually he is watching Hunter, with a expression named longing.

Albert is like a brother to me. He is caring and loving. He doesn't like to talk to strangers. And I was really happy when he and Riya got along. I think Albert likes Hunter, not in a brotherly way. I know, Hunter is straight and doesn't like Albert that way. Maybe, like maybe in future Hunter will like Albert in that way, like I like Lucas now. Maybe he will feel, what I feel right now. I don't know... I sighed and cuddled close to Lucas.

"You okay?" he asked. I looked up from his chest.

"I just want to stay like this. I don't want this, us, to change." I told him honestly, guilt flashed his face.

"Hey, its okay. I can wait for you." I assured him and pecked his soft lips. He smiled at me, but I can still see sadness in his eyes. What a horrible boyfriend I am.

A car honk was heard, it must be Riya's dad, Mr. Khan. I reluctantly and lazily rolled off from Lucas's side and sat at the other end with a pout. Albert chuckled. I glared daggers at him. He just stuck his tongue out. Hunted laughed at this but was cut off by a cough. We all turned to see Mr. Khan. He is a middle aged man, tall, dark and fit, suits him well. Riya jumped in his arm, "Dad, I missed you." He hugged her back and patted her head, "I missed you too princess." He pulled away, he starred at Lucas and raised a brow. Lucas quickly stood up in front of him, extending his hand, "Hello sir, I am Lucas." Mr. Khan shook his hand saying, "Nice meeting you, and you?" he asked turning towards Albert. " He is Albert, my best friend." Lucas said. He turned towards Hunter, " Hello sir, I am Hunter. Lucas's brother." Hunter said. Last but not least, he turned towards me, cocked his eyebrow. What should I say, his soon to be son-in-law's boyfriend? Nah! "He is my best friend, Kyle." Hunter replied causing him to nod.

"I think my daughter told you all about the engagement?" he asked, causing all to nod.
"Good! And you guys know that I am going to stay here for the time being." We all nodded.
"So, what are you waiting for young man, show me my room. And move my luggage to my room." He said to Lucas, who just nodded and lead the way.

"So, what do you think about my dad?" Riya asked. " well, I don't know yet. Lets just wait and see." I replied. "You are no fun." She complained and asked the same to Hunt, "Hitler" he replied causing all of us to chuckle. "That's more like a reply." She patted his back.




Later that evening Riya came to my room. Before you ask, yes I have my own room here, because of my uncountable sleepovers, so does have Hunter in my house.

"Hey, are you busy?" she asked.
"Nope !" I replied.
"I just wanted to check on you, are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" I lied, because I was not.
"You know that I am studying psychology"
"Really?" I asked, not knowing really.
"Yep! So tell me, is it about Lu?" she asked.
"Kind off." I replied.
"I want you ask you something, if you don't mind." She said hesitantly.
"Will your parents accept you, if you said you like a boy?" she asked biting her lips. What? I think she doesn't know about my moms.
I don't think they will accept. They will be mad." I lied, die bitch.
"I am sorry to hear that. So, what are you planning to do?" she asked.
"I have tell my moms."
"Ok.... Wait! Did you just say moms ?"she asked confused.
" Yeah! I have 2 moms and no dad. My parents are lesbians." I replied grinning. Her reaction was prize worthy.
"You jerk. I thought you were good, but look at you lying like a bitch." She throw a pillow at me and started pouting like a child she is.
"My parents knows. And has no objections." I told her honestly.
"Really? I am so happy for you. If my dad was like your moms"
"Why?" I asked.
"Lets just leave it. Tomorrow I am going shopping, are you coming?"
"sure." I replied.
we talked about anything and everything that popped our minds. I learned that, she will do anything to protect you, if she likes and trusts you. And I was happy and surprised to know that I was also in that list... 

HIS STRAIGHT BOYFRIENDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora