6~ Greenie's fire

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For the rest of the day I showed Greenie around; for most of it we were attached by our hands. I honestly don't know how I felt so comfortable with someone I had just met but it felt so right. It felt so good just to be near him. Just to touch him. He just felt so warm and safe, I could already tell we would be the best of friends soon enough.

I had showed him where our hammocks were and let him lay on mine as I made his for him (we obviously weren't expecting any others to come up so we hadn't made him a hammock in advance). I could feel his dreamy eyes almost burning into the back of my head as I fumbled with some rope. I didn't mind him staring though, it was as if I wanted him to stare. Once I had finished his hammock, he tried it out, "Bloody hell! I could get used to this." 

Woah. I didn't realise he had such a beautiful accent...he hadn't spoken until now because I was too busy jabbering about how much he would like it here. Wow... I didn't think it was possible to add to the already growing list of reasons I find him enticing. 

He started laughing- it was such a melodic sound, "What? Something wrong, love?" Ugh 'love'... just the sound of that made me get this tingling feeling in my stomach. Get a grip y/n you only just met him a few hours ago. "Oh no haha don't worry greenie, it's just the first time I've heard your voice and I-I love your accent." I blurted out, causing Greenie's cheeks to grow a lovely shade of red. Oops. Didn't mean to say that. I mean... it's true though!

After that awkward but extremely cute moment, I showed him the forest, the pond, the kitchen, the shelter, and the garden/ farm. He seemed really intrigued, or maybe he was just confused as to why we were here. Alby and I still don't know the answer to that... Finally, we got to the end of our tour and we came to a stop at one of the open Glade walls (it was still day). Oh I totally forgot to tell him about that. 

"Oh Greenie?" he hummed back as an answer as he stared through the large opening. "I completely forgot to tell you about what's in there," he snapped out of his trance and looked back at me- waiting for me to continue. "I'm going to be honest with you okay? We don't know what's in there... but me and Alby have been here long enough to know whatever is in there is dangerous. All we know is that these walls open when the sun rises, and close when the sun sets. However, we do hear things at night. At night we hear these terrible screeching noises so...be warned I guess. Me and Alby decided a few weeks ago that we shouldn't go in there- it's our only rule so far. I know you don't exactly look like the stupid type but please for yourself and for us... don't ever go in there. Trust me we are much safer in here. Do you promise not to?"

"Okay, I promise." he smiled up at me. I trusted that smile, he wouldn't go beyond the walls. that made me happy.

~time skip to the evening~

After Alby, Greenie, and I had our dinner- some sort of vegetable stew I had cooked up- Alby thought it would be a good idea to make Greenie welcome. To make him feel at home. I knew exactly what he had in mind...a bonfire. 

Me and Alby had a bonfire on our first night and to be honest, it really soothed me. I loved watching the flames roar and simmer every time we chucked in more kindling. I loved feeling the warm glow whilst staring up at the stars in the clear night sky. I went to fetch some kindling as Alby sat talking to the boy, and when I got back they were laughing together. It was so nice to have company other than Alby.

After building up the wood for the fire, Alby told Greenie to do the honours and that meant to start the fire so he did so by chucking a torch into the pile and the whole thing started blazing. Seeing the fire made the new boy's face light up with pure joy. We all danced, laughed, sang, and ate until we got tired and then we put out the fire ready for bed. We trudged over to our hammocks and got all cozy as we said our 'goodnights' and my eye's got heavier and heavier till they sealed shut.

Another nightmare.

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