18~ Breakfast

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--time skip to breakfast--

I had just about gotten over the horror I felt from earlier. Newt- as in the person I may or may not be falling in love with- just saw me completely naked. What if he didn't like what he saw and thought I was ugly? Ugh f overthinking. It doesn't matter if he didn't like what he saw, we probably won't ever be together anyway so why would his opinion on me matter. Just get on with your life and move on because he doesn't feel the same y/n.

God I just realised how much I talk to myself in my head- if how I looked didn't scare him off, surely my crazy tendencies would.

Anyways, it was time for breakfast and I needed to fry up some sausages and cook some beans for these hungry boys otherwise I would probably become the meal. I trudged over to the kitchen dreading having to look Newt in the eyes after he had seen so much of me but I can't hide from him because we literally live together now so it's pretty much impossible to avoid someone that close to you for that long.

I had dished out the food and now Alby and Minho had joined me for breakfast, I have no clue where Newt is. 

Maybe you scared him off? Or maybe he's still bathing but it's been a long time. Yeah he's probably trying to avoid you, just act normal and go talk to him later if he doesn't show up.

The three of us that were at the table started digging into our cooked food when Minho decided to pipe up, "Where's Mr Loverboy?" I scowled at the name he had given Newt and just replied, "Sorry, I don't know a Mr Loverboy... unless you are referring to yourself but I see you are right here." That came out a bit harsher than I intended so I just looked down at my plate (away from Minho's angry eyes and Alby's confused stare).

"Uhhh, where is all this loverboy stuff coming from? Who's loving who?" Alby was like some clueless child but I didn't want to make Minho angrier so I just clarified, "No one's a loverboy Al, don't worry- just Minho being Minho." Alby then nodded and we ate some more food in silence.

After a few minutes Minho started, "Ahhh, you decided to join us I see?" I glanced over my shoulder and of course saw Newt behind me, but I just kept my head down because I could feel my cheeks getting redder and redder as I thought about earlier. 

"Yep, just took a dip in the pond that's all," then he came and joined us where I had set his food out earlier. "So? What did I miss?" I peered up from my plate and saw him looking directly at me with the same red flush I had in my cheeks. He then rubbed the back of his neck a little, clearly nervous that I may have told the others something about the moment we shared together, but I hadn't so he had nothing to worry about.

"The only thing you missed was some weird joke about a loverboy, and if it wasn't a joke I will get to the bottom of it." Alby threatened whilst glaring at the boys opposite us (I was sat next to Alby and the other boys were across from us).

"Alby, I told you there is no shucking loverboy so stop threatening them will ya?" I accidentally raised my voice as I glanced over at Newt to see him staring at my lips so I just shot Alby a pleading look to change topic and he did, "So, enjoy your 'dip' then Newt?" Newt then spat his drink out onto the grass next to him and we all just stared at him inquisitively- of course I knew why he was taken aback by the question though... did he have to make things so obvious though??

"Oh um sorry about that, just got a piece of food stuck in my throat, but yeah I enjoyed it..." I then peeked up from under my long eyelashes and saw him gazing back. We held the look for a little bit and then snapped back into reality when Minho cleared his throat.

"Oh, um, could one of you wash the dishes, I need to go and do something quick." and with that I rushed away from the boys- leaving them with many questions on their minds.

--Newt's POV--

"Oh, um, could one of you wash the dishes, I need to go and do something quick." Then she just went and ran away from us. She was probably just wanting to get away because she could sense that the boys knew something, and yes- they really did. They both gave me these judgy looks so I just gulped loudly and said announce, "Yeah , I think I might go um...well... I'll find something to do." I tried to walk away but Alby grabbed my elbow, "Nuh uh, you have some explaining to do. What the hell is going on between you guys?" I glanced over at Minho and he was looking kinda smug. I wonder if he knows something?

"Alby, I promise nothing is going on between us she's just acting a bit strange around me, that's all." Alby then pondered over what I had said and decided, "Alright, I'm going to talk to her. In the meantime, you should help Minho with the cleaning."

Ugh if Alby found out about the kiss and the fact I saw his 'sister' naked then he would probably go ballistic. I just hope she keeps quiet. I wonder what she'll say to him. I know I should probably talk to her at some point about what happened so maybe I could find out what she told Alby then.

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