10~Another One

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--time skip to a month after newt had arrived--

So, of course I couldn't help but wonder whether or not someone else would be coming up today. It had been a month since Newt came up and if my theory is correct, we should hear that siren this afternoon and be greeted by another- I hope it's a girl. Alby wasn't too sure but I could feel something was gonna happen today...and that something would be the box coming back up with another scared little greenie inside.

I was looking forward to another glader: we had started to feel like a family already and it would be nice to have even more of us so that we could have some more company and a little more help around here. 

Since Newt got here, we became the best of friends and he is always there for me when I have my nightmares or hurt myself or whatever because I'm clumsy. Of course, Alby is still being the annoying, over-protective older brother and he keeps making these annoying comments about me and Newt. I mean I do kind of wish we were something a little more but I don't know much about relationships so I'm afraid it will ruin our friendship if we are anything other than best friends.

And I also hope that if the box comes up, it comes up with some chocolate, and a hot water bottle because damn do I need that. 

This week I have been so unbelievably happy. I'm not sure if it has something to do with being excited about a new person hopefully coming up or because I am surrounded by people I have grown to love in such a short time but I'm happy either way.

As always, Newt, Alby and I were eating our breakfast- which was bacon and eggs (sourced from our animals). I'm not saying I'm like a chef or whatever but it was amazingggg. 

Through the rest of the morning I could barely even sit still- Alby even threatened to have Newt tie me to a tree because I was getting on his nerves so much. I couldn't help it though because I was just so so excited to hopefully have another person join us- like I said though, I want them to be a girl because although it's only a 2 boys to 1 girl ratio right now, I still want a girl here to talk about things that I don't want to talk to them about.


Later on, just like I had thought would happen, the siren started blaring. "Another one?" 

"YES I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN ALBY!" I responded hurriedly sprinting over to wait at the box. 

"Settle down y/n/n, you might scare the living daylights out of whoever it is. And trust me- you are already scary enough." I didn't really appreciate newt's joke so I just said, "ha ha very funny" and rolled my eyes at him and hit the back of his head whilst Alby laughed at my childishness. Then the siren stopped and opened, revealing an Asian boy with strong arms. 

Woah he's super hot.

I looked to Newt so he could introduce himself first and he then jumped in, "Hey Greenie, don't worry about us, we won't hurt you." Newt smiled to him but the boy made an aggressive remark back to him, "Yeah you better not."

"Ummm okay. Want me to give you a tour?"

"Sure." the boy seemed to have eased up a little bit but he still had this kind of wall built around him. Then Newt helped him out and introduced us, "This is y/n- she looks sweet but I wouldn't mess with her if I were you. And this is Alby- he's like the other way round, he looks intimidating but he's a softie at heart, he just hasn't realised it." Alby didn't look very impressed by Newt's analysis of him but I couldn't stop laughing at the scowl that had made it's way onto his face. Priceless.

Alby shook the newbie's hand and I did the same. "Go show him around mr lizard." Newt hated being called that so of course I said it any time I felt like annoying him. 

"Ugh I will so get you back for that later. In the meantime, best I give you my state of the art tour, Greenie. Follow me." Newt started walking off and the boy was supposed to follow but he stood looking me up and down and when Alby noticed he said, "You might wanna get going shank, we don't need you staring at her like a piece of meat." 

Ugh I know he's being protective and it did make me uncomfortable being looked at like that but he could ease up a little bit- I'm the only girl here so far so he must just be confused. 

"Alby there was no harm done. But yeah you best be off otherwise mr lizard over there might get annoyed at you." He then walked off to follow Newt, he didn't seem too bothered by this all but I think he might just be good at hiding his emotions.

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