20~Can We Talk?

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It was later in the evening and we had all finished our kebabs I made: I would definitely do them again because they went down a treat! Throughout the whole of dinner, I was racked and riddled with nerves- I could barely even sit still. Alby noticed and kept draping his arm over my shoulder and whispering how it was going to be fine but I was literally going to pour my feelings out to the boy I was falling in love with, what if he thought it was weird or something.

Now that dinner was over and Minho and I had finished cleaning up, I wanted a few minutes to myself. I walked over to a random spot in the Glade and just sat for a few minutes taking deep, lengthy breaths to calm myself. I brushed my fingers through the grass next to me and then I heard footsteps quietly approaching me. I knew who they belonged to: they were Newt's. I took in one more breath to prepare myself and then he held a strong hand out to me, "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, I was actually just about to come get you," We both blushed and I took his toasty hand in my chilly one. "Wanna go look at the stars with me?" I put on my best 'adorable' voice that I could and he grinned. Then, I led him to my special place- where I would tell him.

When we approached the clearing, I trotted over to where I kept my blanket and then splayed it on the grass. I took a seat and patted the spot closest to me, indicating for him to join me. I started talking as I felt him next to my, God don't mess up y/n, "So, I have something to tell you blondie." I teased, nudging his shoulder with my own.

"Wait, before you say anything I would just really like to apologize for what happened earlier: I honestly didn't mean to walk in on you and if you want to we can just forget about it and move on." I grazed my hand over his before squeezing it tight, "No, don't worry. We don't need to forget about it, I just need to talk to you about something and please don't laugh or whatever."

"Of course I won't, whatever it is. I would never laugh at you y/n." His big brown eyes dazzled me, instantly making me fall under his spell.

"Right so, about earlier- I don't want you to worry about it because I seriously don't care. So what, you saw me naked, it was bound to happen at some point because I don't exactly have privacy around here. But there's another reason I don't exactly mind," I gulped a little because it was now or never, and Newt started to trace soft patterns on the back of my palm to calm me down a little (it usually worked). I then took his hands in mine and moved to sit in front of him instead of next to him so that I could look him in the eyes and say it. He gave me a small smile and nod to tell me to go ahead.

"It all started when you came up. As soon as I layed my eyes on you, I felt something. I don't know how to describe it any other way than the fact that I felt a sort of connection. A sort of connection that would mean that from then on out, I wouldn't be able to leave your side. Whilst you were sat in the corner of the box, I was thinking about how bewitching and handsome you were. Then, as I got to know you, I realised you were so much more than a pretty face- you were pure of heart and that is a pretty rare quality to have. I started to fall deeper and deeper under your spell and, well, I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm falling in love with you Newt. I'm not saying you have to feel the same way or anything, I just needed to tell someone other than Alby- and who better to tell than the person themself...you." I stopped talking and sheepishly looked up at him.

He looked shocked but for some reason, a look of contentment glazed his eyes. Next thing I knew, he had pulled me into a hug and whispered to my ear, "I thought you would never feel the same way y/n/n!" The hug got tighter when it hit me and I pulled away, "The same way?! YOU FEEL THE SAME???" I didn't mean to say it that loud but I was overwhelmed with shock and utter joy.

"I thought you were supposed to be smart y/n," he laughed and then he paused- a smile still plastered on his perfect face. "You have no idea how delighted I am and how much you mean to me. Let me prove it to you." He tucked my y/h/l y/h/c hair behind my ear and stared deep into my y/e/c eyes before closing his and smashing our lips together. It felt so heavenly: It felt so passionate. The way our lips moved perfectly in sync. The way his soft hands gripped onto either side of my face, and my hands were tangled in his messy mop of hair. I started to grip tighter on his locks as he pushed me down onto the blanket. Our bodies moved together flawlessly and it just felt so right: like two puzzle pieces that were meant to be next to each other. He then pulled away just as it was getting a little steamy, and he put his arms around me, starting to cuddle me.

I was over the moon with satisfaction . It felt like a dream. He felt the same- he was falling in love with me too.

I fell asleep in the cozy hold of his arms, into a pleasant dreamland.

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