37~ No Way

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--next morning--

We were all getting impatient now. Some of us had awoken before sunrise to see if our friends had survived- well, awoken may be the wrong word since none of us got a wink of sleep last night. We were worried sick about whether or not they survived- Chuck and I think they did but the others aren't so optimistic. I know that with Minho's knowledge of the maze, and Thomas' bravery (which I haven't seen much of but I can sense it) that they must have survived. I didn't put Alby into my equation though because I don't think he was fit enough to help them survive from what we saw yesterday evening.

All throughout the night we heard grievers shrieking and a few muffled screams and shouts, this made us worry even more because they had obviously run into the grievers when they were out there. Boys were going on and on about how 'no one survives a night in the maze'. Quite frankly, I was sick of their mood crushing and their pessimistic attitude- they had been talking that way for about half an hour now. Newt was trying to settle my anger down because he knew that what the boys were saying was getting on my nerves, but it didn't work and I finally snapped.

I stormed over to the group of downers and shut them up. "Will you guys just shut up! If you don't think they are going to make it back, then why the bloody hell are you here waiting for them? You might be alright listening to the annoying droning of your own voices, but I'm not. If you have nothing remotely positive or nice to say, then bugger off!" I demanded.

A few of the boys just looked to the ground sheepishly as if their mother was telling them off in front of their friends, but a handful walked away. I stormed away from the boys who had stayed and plonked myself on the ground a few steps away from the wall.  Chuck and Newt walked over and stood on either side of where I was sat. Newt comforted me by crouching down for a second and rubbing my shoulder, and Chuck moved to behind me and started playing with my hair in boredom (and also because he knew I liked it). I fiddled with my elephant on my necklace like I usually do when I'm worried or in deep thought, whilst we waited and waited for our friends.

5 more minutes passed and Chuck was talking to everyone about how they were gonna make it- the others didn't look so sure yet. "Of course they are Chuckie, and we are gonna be right here to welcome them back." I smiled up at him. The walls began to drift apart and I quickly darted up. Once they were opened, a wave of sadness hit me. There was no one there. No Alby, no Thomas, no Minho. Nobody.

A single tear escaped my eyes- I wouldn't let any more follow because I needed to be strong for everyone. We started to walk away, a few of us hesitant.

Zart whispered behind us, "No way."

Chuck started cheering, "YEAHH! YEAH!" We turned around to see what the noise was about. It was them: Thomas and Minho were carrying Alby towards the glade as quick as they could. People were cheering around me and I couldn't help but join in. The boys had been through hell and back and you could certainly see they had. They dropped Alby's body and medjacks were called over. I saw Alby had been stung, I guessed this yesterday but it didn't hit me properly so I just listened to the convo.

"You saw a griever?" marveled Chuck.

Thomas was still panting when he answered, "Yeah I saw one."

Minho then added something astonishing that left everyone silent, "He didn't just see it... He killed it." There were quiet gasps of both shock and terror at the fact that the Greenie had managed to kill a griever. Some people looked at him in awe, some looked at him with anger- I don't understand the angry looks but oh well. I went and crouched next to Minho and squeezed him against me in the tightest hug I possibly could.

"Easy princess, I stink." he warned me but I just held onto him tighter, not wanting to let him go in fear I would lose another friend.

Newt told the two boys to go and get checked over by the medjacks, get cleaned up, then get some food in their bellies- they complied obviously, I bet they were starving.

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