35~ The Banishing

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I couldn't bear to watch him be sent away to his death. I stood a bit further back with Chuck and despite the horror, I stayed. The keepers all had their poles in hand and they waited solemnly for Ben to arrive. As if on queue, we heard stumbling and the dragging of feet behind us. We turned and saw it was Minho dragging Ben along to his death. No one was happy to take a part in this but he hurt another Glader and wasn't himself anymore, he had to go. As they passed us, Ben looked me straight in the eye. "y/n...y/n help me... y/n please...don't let them do it!" I blinked away the tears and kept a brave face for now but Ben kept trying to get me to help him. "Y/N! PLEASE, Y/N, PLEASE! HELP ME Y/N I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" he was begging me now, my salty tears spilling over my eyelids.

"I'm so sorry Ben." I managed to whisper as Minho tugged on Ben harder, trying to get him away from me. Ben was just repeating over and over no no no no no no no no like it was some sort of chant. My heart ached as he begged to stay, but I knew he couldn't. 

He was dumped in the middle of the circle of keepers. The walls started grinding, signaling their close, so Alby shouted, "Poles!" With that order, the boys lowered their poles and started moving in further towards ben, forcing him towards the closing walls. They kept stepping, one foot in front of the other, and with each step, Ben was forced further into the maze. He was finally in and the boys stayed on guard with their spears just incase he tried a last second escape, but he never did. He turned to face all of us and I looked him in the eye again as the doors slammed shut between us.

I gripped tighter onto my brother's small hand as we mourned our friend. "He belongs to the maze now." Alby told all of us, then there was silence. We stood like that in respect and sadness for Ben, and then people began to walk off one by one.


Most of the others just sat around with each other either in silence or they were chatting; some went away to be alone. I was one of the ones who went to be alone. I ambled over to my spot and grabbed my blanket I kept there, wrapping myself up before I sat there all by myself. I was there for a long time- just watching the stars sadly, thinking things over.

Maybe Ben will survive: he's a runner so he knows his way around, maybe that will help him.


I wasn't hungry, so I skipped dinner and went to my hut instead. I sat hugging my knees staring blankly at the wall and then I heard someone walk in with heavy footsteps. I didn't care to look because I could sense it was Fry (I knew his footsteps well). He crouched down on the floor and directed my eyes to him instead of the wall, so I was facing him. "Hey girl, didn't see you at dinner earlier? Were you not hungry?"

I shook my head instead of talking as I was scared that if I tried to talk, it would all come out in a blubbery mess. He gave me a sorrowful smile and asked, "Are you not hungry enough for some of my bacon? Let me make you whatever you want from the kitchen, that will make you feel a bit better!" The idea was appealing but I didn't want to leave my room for now. I looked at him apologetically and lightly shook my head again.

"Okay sweetheart. I'll still leave some bacon for you though, it will be on your nightstand for you okay?"

I pulled him into a huge, long hug as a thank you and he wished me sweet dreams, shutting the door behind him.

I looked to the bacon and took a little nibble because it was my favourite and I didn't want to waste food but I remembered the way ben looked into my eyes before he go shut in the maze, which made me feel sick so I put the bacon down and rolled onto my side. 

I hugged my knees tighter and stayed staring at the wall, this time it was sideways though because my change of position. I just kept on thinking about everything, I didn't cry though. I didn't want to be the one who cried all the time- it would make the boys get the wrong impression of girls and since I was their only example, I didn't want to be like that.

--switch to Newt's POV--

I was sat with Minho and Chuck quietly, on a picnic table next to the kitchen. Everyone had this depressing look about them: they always did when someone got banished. It's horrible when we lose one of our own. We had all split off after the banishing, some went off alone and others (like me, Minho, and Chuck) stuck together. 

I saw y/n go off earlier to her spot, I did go and check on her at one point but decided to leave her alone because when she went there it likely meant she didn't want others to interrupt. I can't imagine how she feels. That girl has been through a lot but she is still the strongest person I have ever met and I have no clue how she manages it.

Frypan came to join us after a few more minutes. Y/n hadn't shown up to dinner earlier so he went to go and tempt her with some of his bacon (her favourite) and as far as I could see, he didn't have the plate any more so she must have taken it. "Did she want it?" I asked Fry.

"No, I left it there though because she will probably end up hungry at some point."

"Thanks Fry. How is she?"

"Bro, she doesn't look good at all. She wouldn't say a word to me, just shook her head and hugged me. My heart goes out to her... we all lost someone today, but with the bad dreams, spending the night in the maze, being stung, you," He pointed at me and then carried on, of course I knew what he meant. "Ruby, Thomas coming up, and then Ben on top of that... boy is she one strong cookie." We all nodded sadly at him.

"She's gonna be okay, isn't she?" worried Chuck in his innocent young voice.

Minho replied, "Of course she is, shank! Give your sister some credit, she's gonna be just fine."

"Newt, you should probably go check on her. Make sure she gets some sleep, then tomorrow she needs to have some breakfast." Fry instructed. I agreed and left the boys for the night.

I got to our hut and quietly opened the door, not wanting to wake her if she was asleep. The lights weren't blown out yet but I could tell she was sleeping. She looked just like an angel: my angel. Her bacon was still on the wooden nightstand and I could see where she must have tried to eat it but stopped. Poor thing. I gave her a soft kiss on the head and then got into bed myself, trying hard not to disturb her by shaking the bed or whatever. I placed my hand loosely on her waist so I could hopefully feel if she woke up at all during the night, and then I floated off into dreamland.

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