21~ The Next Morning

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--Alby's POV--

I awoke a little early this morning to the squawking of big birds overhead. I looked over at the hammocks to check that we were all here and to no surprise whatsoever, y/n and Newt were gone. I do really hope it went well- I mean it must of if they are both still gone. Wait ew what if they- yeah no I don't want to think about that. It's too soon for that anyway.

I jumped out of my hammock and stretched my back out a bit before going to find them. I looked in the middle of the Glade to see if they were sat there but of course they weren't: I had a pretty good idea of where they would be. I walked to where I found y/n yesterday and there they were. I was careful of where I was treading because I didn't want to wake them up but they were there together, Newt acting as a sort of shield and y/n enveloped in the grip of his arms. They both looked so peaceful together.

I don't want any funny business but I've got to admit, they are pretty cute together. Let's hope it goes well for them...

--Y/N's POV--

I woke up a little numb on my right side (the side I slept on) and remembered what happened last night. Before I could even try to erase the smile that had formed on my lips, Newt spoke up, "Good morning, love? How did you sleep?" Ugh his morning voice is so soothing. "I slept very well thank you, I can't even put my feelings in to words." I looked at him in awe trying to think of something to describe my feelings but the only thing I could come up with, I couldn't say because it was too soon: I love you.

He grinned down at me and groaned, "I hate to do this but I need to go and make some tea and get changed." I didn't want to let go of him but of course his cup of tea and need to get changed out of yesterday's clothes was probably more important. Just as he got up I felt the sudden urge to ask him something, so I did, "Newt? What are we?" His head turned my way and the corner of his mouth started to twitch in to a smirk, "We are whatever you want us to be. So, what do you want?"

I got to my feet and reached on to my tiptoes, softly pressing my lips to his. I could feel his smile pressed against my face and I deepened the kiss but peeled myself off of him a little while later, "Does that answer your question?"

"Hmmmm yes, and it works for me!" We embraced each other before he left to get ready for the day. Even though he had only just left, I felt a crave for his touch already. He was like an addiction.


I changed into fresh clothes and brushed my hair into a ponytail, ready to go make breakfast for the boys. As I approached the kitchen, I saw that Alby was already sat there: He must have heard me coming because he started to talk to me, "Morning, how did you sleep?" My cheeks went red even at the thought of the lovely night I had. "It was the best sleep I've ever had."

"Newt said the same thing. I knew it would go well y/n. Now get making us some breakfast will you?"

Wow, Newt really did feel the same.

I was cracking some eggs into a pan and then I felt a pair of hands slither their way around my waist. The hands brushed under my shirt a little bit, leaving a warm and fuzzy feeling behind. I felt a nibble at my ear and then a gentle kiss, "Hey gorgeous, what you cooking?" It was Newt of course- I mean that was obvious since I guess we are kind of together now: he's my boyfriend. His voice alone made my stomach start leaping and churning with excitement, and mixed with the warm and fuzzy feeling he gave me- it just fueled my addiction. I turned my head around slowly and then pretty much leaped on him, causing him to stumble a little, and then crashed my lips to his. The moment was interrupted by Alby clearing his throat. Uh could he not have just let us carry on for a little bit?

Newt cheeks flashed a sweet raspberry pink and I had a grin glued to my face. "Nice to see you guys are happy. Zero funny business! I mean it!" Way to embarrass me Al! My annoyance was interrupted by another person joining us.

"What do you mean funny business?" Minho then glanced over to us- and Newts arms were still around my waist. "Oh. I get it now. I agree with Alby, wouldn't want any ugly babies running around the Glade."

That made me annoyed so I shot back a reply, "Awwww is someone jealous?" Minho then looked at me with a face of fury- it was actually kind of terrifying but I will never admit that to him. "Why would I be jealous of you guys? It won't last long anyway. Call me when food's ready." The tall, muscular boy then stormed off in the direction of his hammock. If you looked close enough, you could probably see steam firing out of his ears.

"What's his problem? Why in the bloody hell would he be jealous? Has anything happened between you guys?" Newt seemed to be getting a little bit self conscious over the thought he could be competing with Minho for me. I do see why he would be scared though: a strong, Asian God of a boy vs. a scruffy blonde brit. Lucky for him, I'm way more into blondes :)

"There's no need to worry Newt, it's all in the past. Go tell him grub's up will you?" He nodded and left for Minho.

"Something happened didn't it?" Alby asked.

"Yeah, that night when I said we were playing tag. Truth is, he said how beautiful I was and then tried to kiss me so I hit him and ran away. I don't hate him for it- he's a nice guy sometimes. Just, don't tell Newt."

"He did WHAT?!" his voice pretty much boomed and echoed within the walls and then soon after, Minho and Newt came running over.

"What happened? Alby we heard you shout is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything's fine, I was joking around with him and he hit his head on the table- should have seen the angry look on his face, priceless." I started laughing and soon after Minho started laughing too. "Dumb shank." he muttered once he had stopped cackling.

I shot Alby a stern look, one meant to say 'don't you dare say a word' and he just huffed.

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