15~ Let's Wait

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Luckily, Minho's foot wasn't as bad as I thought it might be- which I was extremely relieved about because I had no clue what I was supposed to do if it was something major. I just cleaned his wound (a gash along the side of his foot from where he cut it along a rock) and it stung him quite a bit but he would live. I then told him to walk off the pain from when he twisted it. He was just being a big drama queen.

After I fixed him up, I made them both bacon sandwiches as promised and as they chowed down, Newt and I asked them questions about what it was like. The answers they gave were really vague because they were just trying to enjoy their food but from what I made out it was: made of stone- there were lots of stone walls just like the ones closing us in the Glade; the walls were covered in thick, creeping vines- which were quite strong; it was pretty quiet and they didn't see anything alarming. They also told us that they ended up sketching their path so they would look at their drawings after lunch with us.

--after lunch--

Newt then washed the boys dishes- I swear to god he was like a mother cleaning up after his kids- and he stayed to clean up as Alby led Minho and I to the hut we had the meeting in yesterday (Newt would join us after his cleaning). 

The boys both scattered their drawings onto the floor of the hut and it was real fascinating. I just saw a bunch of pencil lines but they all seemed to connect to make a pattern. As Alby and Minho discussed their finds I got on my knees [[don't be getting ideas you weirdos. take your ass to church because this is a holy fanfic.]] and started matching up their sketches. They started asking what I was doing and I heard Newt walk in as well but I just held a hand up to tell them to shush.

It took like 2 minutes and then I stood up to look at what I had pieced together. What is it? It might just be some sort of random pattern I've came up with but it feels right and that was the way they went so it must tell us something about what's out there. That was when I saw it, "Hey guys, is it just me or does that look like some sort of maze pattern to you?" they all looked deeper into the drawings and hummed- either in agreement or thought but I wasn't sure.

"Look y/n I know you are probably the smartest one out of all of us but I'm not sure if it is. One thing I am sure on though is that if it is a maze, I think we should leave it a while before going back in there- so we have a few more people here with us. I say let's wait." Alby said it as if he was giving us a choice but he was sort of the unspoken leader here so we all agreed anyway. It was for the best though because we all knew there was something out there. It (or even they) may not have came out during the day but we all hear something out there at night. We aren't alone.

Newt and Alby went off in the corner to talk; it was most probably or definitely about me and how I was today but I didn't mind. I then felt a strong arm grip my shoulder and I jumped out of my skin but then quickly turned around to see it was Minho and he asked me, "Can we talk, like outside for a second?" It was only Minho and I hadn't known him for a long time but I would say I can trust him- I was unsure what he could want to talk about though. He guided me into the forest, probably a little deeper than needed for this 'talk' but oh well, it's not as if he was gonna murder me.

"I know it's a little weird to bring you into the forest but I wanted to talk to you away from them," Oh god what could this mean. "I just wanted to say thank you for helping me earlier, and sorry because I know it was probably a little rude calling you annoying but yeah. And also, sweetheart," he got a little bit too close for comfort now and I could feel his warm breath prickling against my y/s/c skin "you are utterly beautiful..." he then looked deep into my eyes and did something even more unexpected. He reached his hand up the back of my shirt to pull me closer and crashed his lips ferociously into mine.

"S-Stop!" I managed to shout from under the toasty grip of his lips, as I tried to push him away. Luckily, I managed to push him off after about 5 seconds of trying- which is pretty quick considering how muscular he is compared to me. I connected my hand with his cheek- slapping him as hard as I could manage, leaving a scarlet mark across his left cheek. I then sprinted to the hut as fast as I could and I could hear Minho not so far behind me shouting for me to wait up. I didn't want to wait though because I did not fancy being kissed by him again.

I got to the hut where Newt and Alby were and I was gasping for breath. Newt rushed up to the door and asked me why I was so out of breath and what happened to me, then Minho caught up with a scared look on his face- most likely scared I was gonna tell them about what he just did.

"W-We were playing a game of tag," I paused to catch a short breath in between words "As you can tell I am very unfit and tag is obviously not my game!" I laughed to ease the tension I could feel bouncing off of Minho.

Alby looked at Minho and I quizzically before he judged, "Tag? Why would you decide to play freaking tag? And especially now... you guys are just beyond confusing. I think we should all just get some sleep."

Minho was still looking at me confused and warily, he obviously didn't know why I lied but I needed that sleep, so I just smiled at him and slinked over to my hammock. I couldn't exactly fall asleep. Of course I was tired since I only had a small nap this morning but the difference with that is that when I nap I don't get nightmares. I live in constant fear every night that I am gonna have another bad dream, and tonight I was fearing sleep the most.

I'm just gonna stay up. There is no way I am gonna go back to sleep yet. It's not safe, and I don't want to wake Minho up because he has been running all day and needs his rest.

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