40~ LETS GO!

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We ran through the depths and winding corridors of the maze. Sadly, we had to leave gally and the others behind but it was their choice so I shouldn't feel bad for them. At least they didn't have to run so much.

As me, Minho, and Thomas were runners, we took it in turns to lead the group of gladers to our destination. It wasn't too much of a struggle running with the untrained gladers, we all had the same objective and we all wanted it badly so they put in just as much effort.

We ran for what felt like hours and hours until we got to where we were meant to be. We hid behind a wall, then Thomas poked his head around the corner to have a look.

"Is there a griever?" asked Chuck, worry overpowering his voice.

"Yeah." Thomas nodded to the boy, increasing the worry that he already had. I heard Chuck gulp and he squeezed my hand harder than he already was.

"You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us." Minho handed him the griever key which Chuck examined warily as if it was some type of bomb.

"It's okay, just stick with me and your sister." Teresa reassured him as she tied her tar-black hair back and out of the way.

Thomas explained the plan and we all listened ready to go when we needed to. Newt gripped onto my hand tighter (he and chuck were holding my hands at the time) looking riddled with nerves. I whispered to him, "We are gonna be just fine. I love you, blondie."

He whispered back, his hot breath tingling my cold skin, "I love you too, love." I snuck a light peck up at his lips.

"We get out now, or we die trying. LETS GO!" Thomas roared as we charged past the wall in formation. We had to be careful of where we stepped as the way to the door was a long strip of stone wall, it was wide enough for a few people to stand either side of each other but it wasn't the width that concerned me. On either side of our entry way, there were seemingly bottomless pits of darkness. If you fell down there, you are definitely not coming back up. There were some grievers stood guard near the end of our path and we were going to have to fight them off to get through them and to the door.

Groups of boys started attacking the grievers and Teresa, Chuck, and I tried to weave our way through with the key. Battle cries were echoing everywhere and I looked back to see a griever being pushed off of the side of the path. We were running through and dodging the grievers that the boys were thankfully doing a good job of holding off, when I heard Chuck fall behind. He had dropped our key and was running off to get it before it could roll off of the edge. He shouted for our help as a griever was crawling up the wall from below. Teresa and I ran to his rescue, yanking his dangling body from the edge.

We ran at the door with the key not knowing fully what to expect. "It worked!" exclaimed Chuck, he finally looked excited and happy that the plan was working so far. Turns out that the door needed a code, but we knew that Minho and Thomas must know it. Teresa quickly yelled to Thomas for an answer, "Thomas! There's a code! 8 numbers!"

"Minho what's the sequence?!" Thomas shouted

"UHHHHHHH. 7..." Teresa pinned in the numbers as Minho remembered them. "1.....5......2.......6.....4.....8......3" A griever landed on Minho so Jeff stabbed at it. The griever then took Jeff down with him. The boys held the grievers back and then our escape route opened.

We cautiously went in as I did a head count- we had lost a few but we knew that would probably happen. I looked around for Newt and started to panic when I didn't see him but relaxed when I felt his unmistakable hands snake around my waist and his lips peppering kisses on my neck. I leaped into his arms for a hug and then I gave Chuck a hug too, this all must be a bit much for him.

The lights were switching on overhead as we walked further into the unknown. It was kinda like tunnels down here- well what I imagined tunnels to look like, but they kinda just looked like corridors to any other facility that is probably out there. We all walked together, Thomas was mainly leading. I held onto Chucks shoulders in front of me so I knew he was with me and I felt Newt doing the same to me- it was like a bizarre, loving game of follow the leader.

We reached a door with a flashing green exit sign on it. "Seriously?" laughed Fry.

How stupid and obvious is that? We are put in a maze for the exit to quite literally be a door with a sign on it... wow. How original.

Thomas tried the handle and it cranked open.

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