5~ The Boy

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~a month since they arrived in the Glade~

It had maybe been about a month since me and Alby came up... well at least I think it's been a month but I don't exactly have a calendar. Alby and I are starting to get worried because although we have our own farm to provide us with food, we are running a little short. We have just enough to last us but we are kind of rationing now. 

Since the second night, I have had quite a few more nightmares: I usually have about 4 a week. Some of them make me scream and cry as much as the first one but I feel bad for waking Alby up so I sometimes manage to stifle my screams- I'm not always successful though. My nightmares aren't always the same (my one about me and my brother being taken away had managed to re-occur on two occasions though). 

Something big had also happened... you know the maze walls? They open and shut every day. They open when the sun has risen and close when it's gone. Of course we are curious as to what is out there but we ended up deciding not to go beyond the walls, especially because we still hear those awful screeching sounds at night. We have no clue what is out there- only that whatever it is sounds dangerous... and big. Who knows, we might end up going out there at some point but I would hate to get stuck out there at night. And plus, I kinda like it here now. The Glade is our home. I just wish we had a few more people to share it with.

Alby and I were doing some gardening after breakfast and we were joking about together. I have really come to like Alby... god you could even say I love him. Of course I don't know much about love but whenever I am around him I feel so safe and cherished. He is like an overly protective older brother but I love that because I wouldn't be able to live without him bossing me about and telling me to 'be careful'.

"Alby? Do you ever...like...wish there were some other people here? Don't take this the wrong way but I could do with some more company. I mean of course I love you and I love being around you but there are only two of us, and I can't help feeling lonely." He looked up at me touching his heart as to say 'how dare you' but laughed it off when I pulled a 'oh no what have I done' look. "BAHAHAHAH I so got you!!!" He chuckled at my stupidity, "I totally agree with you. As much as I enjoy being around a shank like you, I could do with another boy around here... you my friend are just wayyyyy too grumpy. Now come on, get back to work." And after I threw some dirt at him for the 'grumpy' remark we heard an extremely loud siren noise. 

We both knew what that sound was..."Is that-" "The box!" I quickly interrupted his question as we hurriedly dashed for the box. How strange... The box hasn't ever made any noise why does it just randomly decide to do it now? And what does it mean?! We have only heard that sound once and that was when...when... OH MY GOD IS SOMEONE COMING UP?!?! Maybe it's more food? Supplies? Maybe its both... Mine and Alby's eyes met and I could practically see his brain's cogs turning just as fast as mine. We were scared. What could this possibly mean?

Then we saw him. Sat cowering in a corner was a boy. Wow so they really did send someone up for us? Wait he's cute! I wonder what his name is... I glanced back at Alby before he nodded and I jumped into the box to introduce myself to the cute boy. 

He had shaggy blonde hair that was messy in all the right places, and these gorgeous chocolate brown eyes that I could just gaze into for hours...they were so magical. He looked quite muscular and from the amount of space he took up in the box, I could tell he was tall. He was just so attractive... and for some reason, I feel like this isn't the first time I've seen him. Maybe we knew each other before this? Maybe we were friends? Maybe even more?... I was brought out of my daze by the sound of Alby clearing his throat behind me. I looked back at him and gave him an apologetic look- I had a job to do.

I smiled at him and held out my hand for him to shake, "My name's y/n, and that boy behind me is Alby- he may look intimidating but don't be fooled... it's alllll an act," I chuckled-earning a smile from the boy. "You are in the Glade, and before you go and panic about who you are and blah blah blah, you will remember your name eventually. For now I'll just call you...greenie. Yeah, I like that! Anyway, let's get you out of this sweat box. Shall we, Greenie?" I held out my hand and after a moment he took it in his shyly. 

I led him out of the box by using the crates that had came up with him. Alby shook Greenie's hand and then gave him a second introduction, "Hey, the names Alby. Maybe y/n could show you around whilst I unload the box?" I nodded and then dragged him around by the hand. Ugh his hand was so warm. It felt so familiar.

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