Chapter 11

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*when Elsa arrives she sees it's a small house almost looking like a shed and there's like 50 guards around it, guarding it*

Elsa:*sighs and rolls her eyes at first thinking her plan through then just giving up and walking out towards them with a smile and smirk on her face,feelling confident as fuck*hey boys~

*they all see her and at first wide their eyes in shock and suprise to see her them but then they run towards her *

Elsa:*10 minutes later as she ends up stabbing , twisting their bones, punching them and then killing them all like they were nothing*fucking idiots*rolls her eyes*you all are nothing*laughs as she doesn't have a scratch and then she runs inside yelling*JACK!?!

Jack:*down in the basement as he smiles when he hears her voice*elsa!!? I'm down here! *stands up holding onto the bars of his jail room* be careful!

Elsa:*smiles when she hears his voice, already relaxing a bit*Jack.... *runs down stairs kind of breaking through*where are the keys?*smiles walking to him as she holds his hands through the bars*

Jack: one of the guards has them, I don't know witch one though *sighs smiling at her*i thought I'll never see you again..

Elsa:you should know that I'll always find you no matter where you are *smiles looking at him up and down* at least you are not hurt....wait a bit I'm going to find the keys*runs upstairs and back to the guards*

*5 minutes later as she comes running down and opening the door then hugging him tight with a huge happy smile on her face,jumping in his arms and smelling ,taking in his scent along feeling his touch* thank god...

Jack:*smiles happily as well while holding her on her thighs up and close to him*I missed you babygirl~*smiles and looks at her *

Elsa:I missed you so much more baby. You have no idea how angry I was at myself for letting that bitch take you away from me...*tears up and kisses him deeply*

Elsa's thoughs
When I arrived at the location she gave me I saw a small house but with 50 guards... that was nothing for me I ran to them and broke their bones... Punched them... Twisted their heads... Kicked them... then killed them within seconds and I didn't have a scratch... the next thing I did is run in the house and search for Jack.. I can't wait to see him to touch him to hug him and not let go... he is my everything I can't leave without him... then I hear him yell that he is downstairs and I ran there. I saw him in the same clothes I was relived that she didn't touch him but also happy that he's okay so I ran to him and held his hands... I missed him so much... He told me where the key might be and when I found it and opened the door I jumped in his arms hugging him tight as I starded crying.. I felt him hold me, his touch I missed it a lot... I couldn't wait so I kissed him

Jack:*smiles kissing her back deeply showing how much he missed her and craved her all this time while still holding her*

Elsa:*after few seconds of making out she breaks the kiss already regretting for breaking it but she had to*let's go home ,i can't stand being here, besides I want to help you shower *looks at him*i cut off her hands for touching you like that *smirks*only I can touch you like that *smirks and walks out holding his hand *

Jack:*chuckles*so you'll wash me up huh~*smirks*what if I say no~? I don't want you looking and touching me naked~ and I kind of knew you were going to hurt her but I want to know the full story

Elsa:then I'll get mad *looks at him getting serious as she growls*i can look at you naked every time understand?.. Only I can do that only I can touch you *pins him on the wall*only I can kiss you *she leans up closer to him*of course I'll torture then kill whoever messes with what's mine...

Jack:*smiles kissing her then biting her lip making her let go as he runs away chuckling to himself*

Elsa:Jack!! * glares at him watching him run away but then she laughs and runs after him *

*20 minutes later when they arrive home she instantly grabs his hand and starts dragging him upstairs*

Jack:hey slow down babygirl I'm not going anywhere*laughs*besides I missed anna and flynn too you know

Elsa:I don't care who you missed*rolls her eyes and pushes him in his room then in the bathroom and locks the door turning to him and smirking*you ready baby? ~

Jack:*looking at her in her eyes curious*what are you up to *he takes a step back knowing it will piss her off*i have a bad feeling about this

Elsa:*chuckles and smirks walking closer to him *I'm not up to anything bad baby*smirks*dont you worry about nothing~

..........To be continued...........

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