Chapter 10

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Elsa:*wakes up feeling like shit as she hasn't slept at all*Jack please be okay... *stands up and gets ready then walks down stairs yelling*Anna!! Where the hell are you?!

Anna:*runs out of the kitchen towards her*im here! *looks at her worried with a bit of fear in her eyes*you okay?!?

Elsa:yes I'm okay but we need to make a plan and get Jack back *looks at her *there's no time for other stuff*rolls her eyes*where in the hell is Flynn?!

Flynn:*walks in that exact moment with few of the men and when they look at her they gulp *we're still looking for him where she's keeping him...we have searching everywhere.. don't worry he will be fine ...he always is...

Elsa:I hope so *doesn't show any emotion as she goes in his office and looks for details about Julia while her mind is occupied with Jack*

*few minutes of looking she gasps and says to herself*dang this girl is good but unfortunately I'm better *chuckles*wait for me baby~*walks down stairs where Anna and Flynn are*

Anna:*notices her walks down*do you have a plan? Please tell me you do..

Elsa:I do...*smirks*dont I always~we just need their location and the girl is mine *goes in their weapon room and takes some knifes walking to the practice room with Flynn following in few seconds after and just staying there watching her *

Elsa:*looks at the targets thinking it's her and throwing all the knifes hitting the targets in the center* do you need something?

Flynn:dang *chuckles*you are truly talented *walks to her *try these... *hands her new pair of knifes as they are better to throw and more deadly*Jack made them...

Elsa:he did? *smiles a bit taking them*I'll kill here with these then~*chuckles and throws one in the center of the head on the target breaking it in half*

*the day passed and they still have nothing on Jack, Anna and flynn keep trying but they always end up in a dead end and Elsa is still practicing in the room*

Flynn:just stop Elsa! You need to rest what if we find him tomorrow and you're exhausted!? *takes the knifes off her *

Elsa:DON'T YELL AT ME!! *grabs him slammimg him on the wall*I'll kill you without thinking!? Got it!? Don't challenge me!

Flynn:yes yes!! I get it! *yells in pain gasping*just think about Jack.... do this for him... You need as much rest as you can get...

Elsa:*sighs calling down letting him go then goes upstairs laying in his bed again as his smell starts fading away*where are you baby.... *sighs and starts crying again*i know she won't hurt you but I can't always be sure... I miss you... *hugs his pillow*

*as the night was passing, Elsa was having nightmares she was screaming she was sweating and mostly missing Jack by her side holding her tight.She woke up like a hundred time and put his shirt on falling asleep only because of his smell....The next morning Elsa woke up holding his pillow tight*

Elsa's thoughts
I woke up feeling empty... again it's been a day and still no sign of him... I know he's alive but what if he's hurt what if he's screaming for me and then my brain of course thought she's probably touching him everywhere... then I saw the picture in my brain when she was sitting on his lap and touching whats mine.. I'm going to kill her for even thinking about him... I snapped of my thoughts when Flynn ran in without knocking

Flynn:we have a location! *looks at her while breathing heavily because he was running*

Elsa:FINALLY! *stands up getting ready and taking all the weapons she needs *let's go! I've been waiting for this..!!

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