Chapter 44

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Elsa: I'm not yours! I never was! I never will be! Get this shit inside you're head! *spits at him then looks at Jack*jack! Wake up! *moves around trying to break free from the ropes*

Leo:*gasps when she spits and wipes it off as he grabs her face making her look at him*i don't want to hurt you but looks like I will have to! *tightens his grip* YOU'RE MINE! YOU ALWAYS WERE AND ALWAYS WILL BE MINE! *kisses her deeply and forcefully *

Elsa:*gasps when he kisses her then she bites his lip making him pull back*NEVER! *spits on the ground still trying to break free*

Leo: I've had it with you! You will see who I am!*texts someone*

*few minutes later Astrid walk in thought the door *

Astrid: hey Elsa~~ missed me? *chuckles smirking as she winks at her*

Elsa:*widens her eyes in shock*you... YOU BITCH! *growls at her trying harder to break free*why am I not surprised!? You would do anything for money!

Astrid: yes everything for money and jack~*chuckles as she looks at Jack and smirks walking to him sitting on his lap sliding her hand down his chest*

Elsa: don't touch him!!! *death glaring at her as she's super angry and jealous*i swear to god I will end you! GET OFF HIM! *looks at Leo*you asshole!!

Leo:*chuckles looking at her enjoying the show with his arms crossed*now let me tell you how this will go *takes a chip  out of his pocket * this will go inside of jack~

Elsa: what the hell are you up to!? What is that you asshole! Don't you dare touch him! *glaring at Leo*

Leo: you'll stay with me willingly and this chip will help me*smirks and throws the chip on the ground then takes his necklace off and pressed the button on it making the chip explode*

Elsa:*gasps*no.. You wouldn't...

Leo: ohh yes i would~*chuckles*this chip will be inside him and if you try anything funny if you try escaping try disobeying me... then I press this button and booom.... Bye bye jack~*laughs evily taking another chip and a knife handing them to Astrid*make sure it's deep inside ~*he smirks putting on the necklace*

Elsa: Leo! DON'T! DON'T DO IT! YOU WANT ME TO BEG THEN I WILL! JUST DON'T! *tears up*FINE I WILL BE WITH YOU JUST DON'T HURT HIM! *glares at Astrid then looks back at Leo*please...

Leo: I can't take my chances with you~*chuckles and nods at the guards*

*they walks to Jack and drag him with the chair inside a room with Astrid following them *

*10 minutes later*

Astrid:*walks out as her hands are with blood and she throws the knife*its done boss his all ready~

Leo: perfect~*laughs evilly putting the necklace on then unties Elsa *come on babygirl let me show you our house~

Elsa:*tears stream down her cheeks as she's shaking a bit feeling like she lost as she stays silent looking down not moving a muscle*

*in the same time the guards walk out holding Jack*

Jack: let me go! What the hell did you do to me! I said let go!! *he sees her*elsa!

Elsa:*widens her eyes a bit still looking down and cries more as she looks at him*

Leo:*smirks*babygirl can you please stand up and give me a kiss~*bites his lip while fixing his necklace warning her*

Elsa:*her heart starts beating fast ready to end him but knows she can't as she looks at Jack then stands up and kisses Leo deeply trying not to puke*

Leo:*smirks pulling her body closer kissing her back deeper*mmm~

Jack:*widens his eyes in shock looking at them as he stops fighting the guards and feels his heart shattering*n-no.. NO! ELSA STOP PLAYING AROUND!

Leo:*pulls back and smirks at Jack*shes not playing mate~ I told you the day I came she's mine*chuckles*tell him babygirl? ~

Elsa:*wipes her tears and looks at Jack trying super hard not to break down*im sorry Jack.. He was always the one I want... You were a distraction while he was gone.. I never loved you...

Jack:*looking at her silently as he takes a deep breathe then looks down*i understand....

Leo: thanks for understanding mate~ you're free to go now~*smirks holding Elsa close *

*the guards take him outside with Astrid following them smirking*

Elsa:*starts crying again as she start shaking more*I HATE YOU I FUCKING HATE YOU! WHY JUST WHY?! FIND SOMEONE ELSE! LET ME BE HAPPY! GO TO HELL LEO I WILL END YOU FOR THIS! YOU MARK MY WORDS! *wipes her tears *

Leo: you can't do shit~*laughs evilly but still gets a bit scared *

Elsa:*smirks looking at him*you don't know what I can do ~*laughs evilly as well* you're gonna wish you were never born~

...........End of season one................

...........To be continued..............

He's Only Mine{Season 1} ✔️COMPLETED✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن