Chapter 2

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Pic is Daniel Owens above/side

Daniel's POV
"Come on Kyllen, we got to leave now!" I yell up to my 17 year old sister. "Ok ok, I had to finish my hair." She said coming down from the stair of the apartment I rented but we are moving into a house that was built. Girls and their hair. I put her suitcase and bags in the trunk of the car with mine. "Ok, it will be about a 9 hour car ride. So, you can sleep if you want and I will wake you when we I lunchtime." I said as I pulled of the parking lot. "Ok, wake me when it is 10 o'clock." she said. "Ok, I will." I said then she went to sleep. 5 o'clock in the morning to drive, thank god I went to sleep early.

5 hours later
"Kyllen, time to get up. It's lunchtime." I said shaking her awake. She stretches, "that was a great nap. So, what's from lunch?" She asked. "There is a McDonald and a Wendy's close by." I replied. "Wendy's is fine with me." She said. "Ok, but we are eating inside." I said as we pulled in the Wendy's parking lot. "Cool, lets go." She said getting out of the car. I get out of the car and we head into the Wendy's.

"Hi, welcome to Wendy's. What can I get you two?" a preppy girl behind the counter said. "I'll have the Son of Baconator and my sister will have the 10 piece spicy chicken nuggets, both with coke." I said. "Ok, it will be a couple of minutes." She said after I headed her the money for our food.

We get our food, and we sit near the window to look out of it. After about 10 minutes we finish our food with some casual conversation. "Ok lets go, we still have about four hours left on the road." I said as we throw out trash away. "Ok, I will probably sleep." Kyllen said getting into the car. "Ok that's fine." I said.

4 hours later
"Kyllen time to get up we're here." I said shaking her awake. She rubs her eyes, "wow that's a big house." She said amazed. "Come on let's get everything inside and unpack." I said turning off the car and getting out of the car. She gets out and grabs her bags and suitcase and I grab mine, then we head inside.

As we are unpacking from our bags, the doorbell goes off. "Kyllen, can you get that?" I yelled from upstairs. "Sure" she said from her room and headed downstairs. "Daniel, there's three guys at the door for you." She yelled from downstairs. "Ok, I be there in a minutes." I yelled back.

I walk downstairs, "Hello, you must be Daniel, the owner of this new house." a velvety deep voice said and it sent shivers down my spine. "Yes I am." I said coming around the corner to the living room. "Well, I like to welcome you to the town." The same voice said, now I can put a face to the voice. "Well thank you. Is there something you need?" I asked. "Well, I'm Paul--" the taller guy with the velvety, deep voice said,"and this is Kyle and Tyler." Paul said pointing to the two other guys with him. "Hey" they both said. "We would like to take you two to dinner, what do you say?" Paul asked. "Sure that would be great, come on Kyllen." I said. Kyllen comes into the living room. Then we all head to their car and head to dinner.

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