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harry's pov

Through the school I ran with Y/n, getting caught in the mob of students and professors. "Harry where were you?" Hermione asks with Ron by her side. I glance her in the eyes, and ignore her question, and run past the huge array of students. That was the last time I saw Hermione Granger, and my best friend, Ron Weasley. I never thought that would be the last time I saw them, but it was definitely for the better.

"Harry!" I hear y/n's loud cries in the distance, where she is spinning in circles searching for me. I sprint and push through everyone, holding Professor's tear tight. I pull her hand and grab her back into the castle. "Harry where are you taking me? Why in the castle that's too dangerous!" She cries out. "You have to trust me y/n." I answer.

We reach Dumbledore's office, old, rusty, hasn't been used in definitely over a year. But it still stood, unlike the rest of the castle. The Pensieve. I grab the vile with my other hand, and empty it into the pensieve. "Come and place your head right above it." I tell y/n. We both slowly lower our heads down as the small cloud develops it's first known memory.

My mother, young, definitely about eleven years old, and her sister, my Aunt Petunia, she was two years older. Making her about thirteen. My mother puts her hand out, and a small little daisy like flower blossoms on her hand. Aunt Petunia looked angry, smacking it out of her hand. "You creep! I'm telling mummy!"

Out of the bark of a tree, seems to be some kind of hiding spot. Comes out a young, Professor Snape. Handing my mother, Lily, a small little grass flower, which helicopters into her hands. They smiled, and knew, a friendship was going to rise between them two.

The next bliss of memories faded from the curved black cloud, their sorting ceremony. Professor went first, putting him into Slytherin, and my mother in Gryffindor. He immediately grew sadness on his face.  This is when my mother met my father, James Potter. He looked almost like me as a kid, with round small glasses, similar noses, and the brown hair that was parted.

Next faded onwards, about ten years into the future, when his first and only daughter, y/n was born. "The happiest day of my life." He proceeded. Another cloud, of y/n's mother leaving, and never coming back. Leaving him and two month old y/n behind. Just like me, I was left behind at two months.

I take my head out, realizing the things professor left deep in his thoughts, never saying anything, anything about that my mother was his first love, and his only friend. My father, he took that away from him.

Y/n follows by raising her head up again, "Harry, that's why he didn't like you. Because he thought you were like your mother, going to go choose someone else over me."

"Enjoying your romantic hiding space, huh Y/n?" Malfoy announces pointing his wand, not at me, but at her.

"Malfoy, get away from her." I slowly take my wand out, and grasped it firmly.

"Well Potter, if you wouldn't have known, she's one of us. She's supposed to kill you." He laughed, as he uncovered her mark. 

Interrupting Malfoy's next set of words, the building starts to shake, and stones fall. At this point, it's a matter if we can get out or not. We rush out just in time, leaving Malfoy and his goons stranded behind us.

"Y/n you have to kill me, you need to do it." I grab both of her hands. "Harry, I told you I will not be doing that, and that's for certain." She responds.

Harry I love you, since the day I've met you. You were my chosen one Harry, and I want to be with you forever.

𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now