Chapter 64

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Alina shouted while running behind Levi who frowned hearing her shout and then he stopped from walking.

"Shut the fuck up!"

He looked behind and glared at Alina who just laughed.


She just walked beside him with a smile.

"Captain! You have to go to the training ground, the recruits are waiting for you to train them!!!" She said clinging to his arm while dragging him back...

"Oi, stupid. I have something to do. I left you there as their supervisor."

"But...I don't know how to train them. You have to do it!" She said with an embarrassed smile so he stared at her and his arm that she's hugging...

"I knew it." She laughed and just drag him.

When they arrived, the recruits immediately stood straight with their fist on their chest.

Alina let him go and smiled at the recruits...

Levi looked at them and then glared as always. He crossed his arms and stayed silent so they all gulp there. Armin and the others are here too and they just looked at Alina.

When Alina saw that he's not going to do anything, she elbowed him softly.

"Captain...what now?" She asked him so he looked at everyone.

"I'll give you 5 damn seconds to look for your shitty partner and we'll begin the fucking hand-to-hand combat training."

Alina sneered at how he spoke...they looked at each other and then immediately looked for their partners.

"Is..the captain like that?" A recruit asked so Armin just looked at him.

"Just follow him." He said and then partnered with Eren...

After that, they looked at the captain who just glared at them...

They looked at Alina who smiled at them sweetly...

"Ready?" Alina asked them so they all answered.


"Hmmm...what now, captain?" She asked Levi...

" we even need to train in hand-to-hand combat?" A recruit softly asked...

"We're going to fight titans after all..." Some agreed but Matt spoke.

"You never know when to use hand-to-hand combat..." He said so they looked at him...

"You are?" The man asked.

"They are a part of the Elite squad." Someone answered.

"How does it feel? Being with the captain?" The others can't help but ask.

"Being...with captain Levi?" He asked and then looked at the captain who is looking at them.

" have to ask Armin about that." He said so Armin gulped.

"Sssshhh...the captain might hear you," Armin said looking forward.

"Huh? But we're still new here...we don't know anything about the captain..."

"You'll know about him soon, right now, shut up," Mikasa said too so the man looked at him and frowned.

"Who is the girl beside him?"

"Right. She's pretty...and she's a kid too..."

Matt furrowed his brows and looked at the guy. Rogue who saw this sighed before speaking.

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now