Chapter 20

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"Levi, refill your fuel." the commander said to Levi who was about to go back to his squad after the titan escaped. He looked at Erwin and glared but Erwin looked at him seriously too.

"I'm going back." He insisted.

"No, Levi. There is reinforcement going there. Do as I say." Erwin said. Levi sneered and clicked his tongue before doing as he was told.

"tch..." he just said in annoyance. Hanji then looked at him and then at Erwin.

"Mr. Eld!" Eren said but he didn't look back.

"Eren! Eyes front! Don't look back and move forward!" Eld ordered Eren who looked back. Then, they heard a noise, and then when they looked back, the female titan shifter is approaching.

"Who's that?!" Oluo asked. Alina just remained silent readying her blade for any action. She's thinking about going straight for the titan but she can't after remembering what Levi said to her...

"Protect Eren! Damn!! Which way do we go now? Eld?!!" Oluo asked their in charge who kept on looking in front...

"there's no time to get our horse! Fly to the HQ at high speed!" Eld ordered them and they all complied.

"is that the female titan shifter?! Or maybe it's another one?!!" Alina widened her eyes thinking how many shifters do they have to deal with.

"Damn!! You'll pay for this!" petra said as she turned around angrily looking at the hooded figure.

"Even if I have to die!! You're going down with me!!" Petra screamed in anger. They looked as the hooded scout falls back and then transformed into the female titan.

"Damn!! How could you!!" Eren screamed...they all looked at the titan wondering how come she's here. She's not caught?!

"this time!! I'll kill you myself!!" Eren angrily said and brought his hand in front of his mouth but Eld screamed.

"No!!" Eren stiffened at Eld's shout.

"The three of us will take care of her, Alina, bring Eren to the HQ as fast as you can!" Eld said...Alina gulped and then looked at Eld.

"I'll fight too!" Eren said in determination.

"No this is the best course of action! We can't risk losing your abilities!" Eld said.

Alina gulped and then stared at them...Eren looked at him with wide eyes before he glared.

"b-but!! With my titan abilities, I can fight her too!!" he insisted.

"What the hell! Are you doubting us or something?!" Oluo screamed.
"is that it Eren? Do you really not trust us?" Petra said too. Eren then stiffened and then looked at Alina...

"Alina. You are strong right?! You are second to captain Levi, you'll help right?" he asked...they all stiffened there and looked at Alina who gulped.

"no." Eren widened his eyes and glared at her.

"why not?!! Mr. Gunther already died! Is it just what you said?!! That you will kill us?! Will you really abandon us here?! You're so selfish!!" Alina widened her eyes and then glared at Eren who spoke with mockery and anger.

The others looked at Alina and Petra sighed before she gulped.

"shut the fuck up brat! The order is for me to guard you and bring you to the HQ safely even if I have to drag you there." She said in their surprise.


"can't you see how they all try to guard you and bring you to safety?!! Can't you see how they risk their lives just so the titans can't get you?! Can't you see how Levi, Petra, and the others dedicated their lives for you to go away safely and the only thing in your mind is to fight titans as if you can win every time!! You're selfish Eren!! You're so selfish and stupid!!"

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