chapter 45

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"Alina's not yet fully healed?" Armin asked in surprise.

"yes...there are still traces of weakness that will fade away after days...right now, she's not in her full strength." Their eyes widened and the leader looked at Alina...

"she's not on her full strength but she still defeated us?" he asked in surprise.

"if it's just you, she doesn't have to use her strength at all." Levi just said.


the leader was insulted and he glared at Levi who returned the one wants to break it.

"guys, this isn't the time to fight," Hanji said to them knowing this kid will easily be defeated by Levi.

"you're so cocky!! You have men there but you want a little girl to fight us?!! Hahaha!!!" the leader of the Shiga clan said. Alina just raised her brow and then spoke...

"you...will understand why...after I finish you off..." she said coldly standing straight holding the knife...they looked at her...

"oh?! you're brave for a little girl, don't worry, we'll make sure not to destroy your'll be useful to us and in bed. You're pretty." One of them said smirking and they laughed...

"Those guys..." Jean said angrily...

"How dare you!!!" Eren shouted after what they said but those guys just laughed...Levi looked at the guy and then at Alina who froze before she chuckled and then laughed in their surprise too...

"Why are you laughing?!" they asked her as she laughs looking at them.

"you's been so long since someone talked to me in that way. And guess what?" she said smirking changing her grip on her knife...

they looked at her and then her knife. Levi furrowed his brows looking at her and the shift of her technique.

"they the chance to speak again. I...killed all of them," she said and then laughed in their surprise...

"w-what?" the guy said but in a matter of time, she's near them and stabbed him in his arm...causing him to scream in pain while all of them stared in shock...

"s-she's fast..." the leader of assassins said

"Captain..." she said.

"no," Levi answered her so she sighed and then nodded her head.

"as much as I want to kill you, the captain said no..." she said kicking him...

"w-what?!!" the others looked at Levi, the assassins looked at Alina, the Shiga gang glared at her.

"kill her!!" they said and they immediately attacked her.

"Alina!!" Historia said worriedly and she tried to go but Mikasa stopped her. They looked at the fight...

"C-Captain..." Historia said looking at Levi who just watched Alina.

"Levi...think about it, there's a chance she'll be in danger," Hanji said going beside him while looking at Alina worriedly...

"argghhh!!!" they looked at Alina who twisted the arm of the other one.

"shit!!! What's with this girl?!!" they asked in surprise...

"I told don't know me..." she said to them.

"w-who..." one of them asked her.

"hmmm? Now you want to know who I am...? You should've done that earlier...but this... the underground city is mine!!" she said and then attacked them.

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now