Chapter Forty

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"We need to go shopping for the babies," Sage said, walking into the kitchen dressed in grey jeggings and one of Junior's white t-shirts that hugged her belly.

"Sure," he said with cereal in his mouth.

Sage looked at him with her nose raised.

"Sorry," he said whilst chewing.

"Stooop," she hit his upper arm and he flinched, "Always tell you to not talk with food in your mouth," she turned towards the fridge, "And why are you eating cereal in the noon?"

Junior rubbed his arm, "You're heavy handed, damn," he commented, "And I was too lazy to make food," he answered her question.

Sage rolled her eyes and joined him by the counter. She grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and peeled it, "You could've asked me," she peered at him before biting a piece off.

"You were asleep, didn't want a grumpy Sage making my food then I choke on that energy," he said and she laughed.

"I'll make us some lunch just now," she said.

"Make more than usual, JP is coming over with his girl," he stood up and pecked her lips before going to place the empty bowl in the sink.

"He has a girl?" She asked with surprise.

The door bell rang.

"Yep, and they're here," he said then walked towards his front door.

Sage finished her banana and threw the peel in the bin when she heard JP make noise from the door.

She rolled her eyes and went to the big drawer that held pots. She took one out and placed it on the stove.

She wasn't sure what to make and she stopped to think about it.

"Baby," Junior held her from behind and kissed her cheek.

She loved it when he did that, as well as rubbing her bell like he did.

"Get a room guys," JP said behind them and they both laughed as they faced him.

"Hey baby mama," JP greeted Sage and she kissed her teeth.

"JP," she glared af him.

He chuckled then brought a girl closer.

She had her braids down, wearing a short sleeved nude bodycon dress that highlighted her hourglass figure.

"Meet Brandi," JP introduced her, "Bae, that's JR, my boy and his baby mama, Sage," he said to her.

"JP, imma kill you," Sage warned, she then walked up to Brandi and held her hand out, "Nice to meet you," she smiled.

"The game started," Junior said referring to a basketball game they planned to watch. He then kissed Sage on her forehead and smacked her bum.

"Babe," she whined rubbing the stinging spot.

He winked at her then rushed to the lounge.

JP pecked Brandi, "Get to know each other or whatever girl's do," he said then followed Junior.

"Men and their sports," Sage sighed.

"Tell me about it," Brandi agreed and the girls shared a laugh.


Letoya dialed Wes' number for the second time that day, not wanting to seem desperate.

When she heard the ringing, she hoped he didn't pick up because she didn't know what she'd say to him.

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