Chapter Twenty One

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Letoya sat down on her bed that Sunday night and dialed her stepsister's number once again. An eerie feeling accompanied her and when she reached voicemail, again, panic set in.

She tried Ashley's number which also went to voicemail and she stood up to pace around her room.

She dialed Trisha's number and after one ring, the call got connected.

"Did you get ahold of her?" Was the first thing Trisha asked.

Letoya shook her head, "No, and I'm worried now," she blurted out.

"What about Ashley?" Trisha asked.

"Her phone is off as well," Letoya huffed as she plopped back down on her bed.

"Maybe they'll show up tomorrow morning at school," Trisha tried to comfort her friend.

"This is unlike her," Letoya said in thought.

"Maybe she went to Junior's place," Trisha suggested again.

"She would've said something though," Letoya argued.

"Let's not worry, we'll see them at school," Trisha said.

"Yeah," Letoya agreed reluctantly as a bad feeling settled at the pit if her stomach, "Anyway, how did your date go with Aiden?"

Trina blew her breath in, "Well," she drew out.

Letoya could pick up the excitement through the phone, "Well?"

"It was awesome! We went roller skating and bowling, I felt like a little kid," Trisha beamed.

Letoya cooed, "See it wasn't a bad idea after all."

"Yeah, I guess," Trisha admitted, "He makes me feel like the only girl in the world Toya," she gushed, "Is that normal?"

"That's every girl's dream sis," Letoya said when a knock sounded on her door.

She snapped her head towards it and saw Morris peep his head in, "Let's talk tomorrow," she said into the phone and hung up after Trisha said goodbye.

"Where's Sage?" Morris asked looking at the nearly made up bed.

"Uh, at Junior's," Letoya said.

"Okay, good night then," he then slipped out.

Letoya laid back facing the ceiling and sighed deeply, "I hope you're safe wherever you are Sage."


"I received an odd phone call from a girl claiming to be Sage, and at first I thought it was her voice but it wasn't," Junior said to JP who was seated on the couch next to the one he occupied.

They were chilling at Junior's place, without Marcus who had been cooped up with Elle for the rest of the weekend.

"What she say?" JP asked without looking up from the blunt he was rolling.

"That it's Sage," Junior said and sipped from a green bottle of beer.

"That's it?" JP looked up this time.

Junior nodded, "I tried calling the number back but it went straight to voice mail," he said.

"Maybe it was a prank," JP shrugged.

Junior didn't respond as he delved into his thoughts. He still hadn't gotten ahold of his girlfriend and the call had him on edge.

"Guess who I bumped into?" Junior spoke up, trying to avoid the scenarios that played in his head.

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