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Chapter 9 : edited 3rd of November, 2021.

Things are getting tougher for Sakuragi; because of his official debut game. Everything is fine with Rukawa. He kept his cool, knowing that he practiced a lot and enough to play well at their first game against Miuradai. On the other hand, you make the players lined up first to check if there's a possible injury that might be triggered once they start playing.

"Third-years first!" You yelled, making them line in unison. The first one was Akagi. He stood up in front of you, with you analyzing his body.

"Oh, there's nothing much for you, Akagi-san. Just avoid using all of your stamina, especially when it comes to jumping." You glanced at Sakuragi. "I'm sure Sakuragi-kun has your back when it comes to rebound, right?"

"HELL OF COURSE! I am a basketball man after all!" Sakuragi was able to distract himself. Nudging Rukawa's shoulder praise for himself.


"You should stop feeding his ego," Akagi muttered.

You chuckled. "It's the only way to ease his distress about his first debut game." You whispered. "Next! Kogure-san!"

As you finished telling Kogure his status, Mitsui lined up behind him. It was still new for him to see you again this close. The last time you were there for him to check his stats before playing was way back then in Junior High.

"Mitsui, did you get enough rest?" You asked about analyzing him. From all of the members of the club, you sure knew all about Mitsui's stats. And how his body works. Since you've been there for him since Junior High.

"Yes, (y/n)." He nodded, avoiding the tiny tension in between.

The club members snicker behind the two of you. It's so unusual that you're talking professionally but then you guys are using both of your first names. Rukawa took a glance from sitting on a bench, leaning on his locker. His stare was fixated with you as you checked the players' condition one by one.

You smiled. "Then you're good. Just don't force yourself if you're already tired. The team couldn't afford to lose your stamina and shooting skills."

Mitsui's cheeks were tinted with soft pink hues. A few players snicker behind him with this small interaction between the two of you, making him flustered.

"Oy, Hisashi! Be quick!" Miyagi complained at the back. After Mitsui, you analyzed the other first-years and Miyagi. Sakuragi was second to the last since Rukawa tends to sleep while leaning at his locker.

"Sakuragi-kun, how are you feeling?" You asked.

"I'm b-better! Aha! I'm a basketball man, but it makes me nervous, hahaha! But I just need to remind myself that I'm a genius!"

"There, there, there." You chuckle. "Calm down, you don't have to be pressured or nervous. It's your first game after all," you added, scanning his body a bit.

After Sakuragi, Rukawa's turn has come. If you didn't call him, he wouldn't come to you at all. He knew to himself that he's perfectly fine to play for today.

"Rukawa-san, did you have enough sleep for today?" That was the first thing you asked.

The black-haired nodded. "But I still want to take a nap,"

You chuckled. "You can do that on the bus, but not on the game of course. Your body's condition seems fine, just avoid getting your head hurt again. As much as you can, avoid getting serious injuries. Alright?"

He nodded.

"Alright, we're good to go!" You yelled as you stood up from sitting on the bench.

You were about to take a step forward when you felt Rukawa's grip on your wrist stopping you from walking away from him.

"Yeah?" You lowered your gaze.

"I still haven't properly thanked you. Thank you, (l/n)." He said shocking the hell out of you.

Your eyes widened. "O-Oi! For real?"

"Yes." He nodded with his hand still holding your wrist. "For two times you save this head,"

"You better use it then," you chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Nothing! And, oi! That's (l/n)-san or (l/n)-senpai to you! I'm still your upperclassman!"

"I don't use honorifics." He simply stated.

"Why are you guys taking so long-"

Mitsui stood there frozen. He stopped on his tracks as he saw Rukawa's hold of your wrist. The scene made it automatically intimidating and intimate at the same time. Anyone who would see this will think the same way Mitsui does that time.

"We're going," Rukawa said, and didn't even bother to let go of your wrist. He didn't actually notice that he's still holding it. You left the locker room with Rukawa, slightly flustered.

Mitsui with his hands on the side of his waist stood there and sigh.

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