Two months later.

Pearl turned herself in for dealing drugs. She would be in jail for about 5 years.

Naomi and I both had to mourn Charles once again with this new information.

Allen was pretty upset about Pearl. Not only did she lie to Allen's face but my face as well for so long. He quickly got over her because he said she was "a bimbo" and really boring.

Valerie and Allen were by my side for this for these two month trying to make sure I didn't go back to how I was in the beginning.

The whole situation is so fucked but I do feel relieved now that there were no secrets and Charles can finally rest in peace.

I went out once every weekend with the whole group and it really took my mind and Naomi's off of everything. Naomi and I would console each other sometimes but as I said before, she hated being vulnerable in front of others. Besides, Nyla was there to comfort Naomi so at least she wasn't alone.

Olli and I got a lot closer and I can't believe we didn't before. He's so funny and crazy smart. He's such a delight to be around. He got accepted into this really good tech university and I was super stoked for him.

Fabian got a full ride to play basketball at this other university. He's pretty good so he deserves it.

Zach and Tristan were going to a community college in our city. I was super excited for them when they got in. Oh! Tristan finally asked out Simone. They're super cute together. She actually really likes me despite Tristan and I's history so I'm really glad it's peaceful between us.

Valerie got into a different community college about 15 minutes away from Zach and Tristan's. She going to be a dental assistant. I'm super proud of her, she'll be the first woman to go to college in her family.

Naomi and Nyla decided to take a gap year and Nyla would continue working for her dad's business. Naomi found a job at an animal shelter which fits perfectly for her because animals are her weakness.

As for Allen and I, we decided to apply at colleges super close to each other. We've been together our whole lives, there's no way we could leave each other now. Our universities are only a 30 minute drive from each other so we're looking at apartments between that together.

I hear running down the hallway. Allen slams into the door.

"Ow" he mutters. I laugh hysterically at him.

"Our letters came in!" He exclaimed.

I let out a shriek. We both ran to each other and gave a tight hug. I jumped up and down with so much adrenaline. My hands were shaking and sweaty.

"Okay let's open together. I'm so nervous." I said.
He handed me mine and he slid his envelope in his hands back and forth.

"Okay. 1... 2 ... 3."

We ripped open our letters scanning the words.

"I got in!" I yelped with a huge grin on my face.

I look up at Allen. He hung his head low with his letter in his left hand. I hear him sniffle.

"Oh my god, Allen. It's going to be okay." I say and go in for a hug.

"I GOT IN BITCH!" He exclaimed.

I hit him on the chest.

"Fucking asshole!" I said.

We both laughed and hugged each other. With all the happiness and adrenaline, my body went in for a kiss without thinking.


"Allen, I'm sorry." I say as I pull back.

I see a grin on his face, he pulls be back in and we share a soft passionate kiss.

"Celeste. I don't care anymore. Let's be together." Allen says.

I stare into his eyes. They were twinkling. His smile lines were showing a lot more in this moment.

"Allen... we can't-"

"No. We can. You and I both know we can. We're soulmates, Celeste. You're the love of my life. We couldn't even pick colleges farther than 3 hours away from each other. We're basically a married couple! There's no reason we shouldn't be together." Allen goes on.

I place my hand on his neck and rub the tattoo we match with. I gaze into his eyes and the look on his face is pleading for me to be with him. His hands were on my waist and his grip was tight.

"Please, I want you. I want you so bad." He begs.

I place my other hand and trace his singular freckle that rests on his cheek.

I want him, too. No. I need him. I can't bare life without him. I can't bare anyone else growing old with him.

"Okay." I say smiling. "But you'll have to propose very soon since we've waited way too long for this." I joke.

He picks me up and we kiss. This kiss was way different than the other times we've kissed. This kiss felt like it could speak. If it could speak it would say, "you're finally mine".

The first person we tell is my mom. First about the acceptance letters and then about us.

"Finally." she says and laughs.
We told our friends. They all teased us and wouldn't let us hear the end of it.

"Fucking finally." Zach says.

"Oh after like 18 years, pendejo?" Fabian chuckles.

"It's not like anything changed anyways. You want me to be excited or something?" Olli asks.

"Okay so when are y'all getting engaged? In 30 years this time?" Tristan adds on.

"Finally. If I didn't have my beautiful lady with me I was going to go for her." Naomi teased. Nyla laughed and actually congratulated us.

Valerie just cried.

It felt good to showcase our relationship in front of James at school. James never actually cared about Allen but it annoyed James that he wouldn't be able to get on Allen's nerves anymore now that I had him.

Although we were basically a couple already, it was really nice to finally be able to say he was mine. Now that I think about it, it was pretty stupid to wait all these years but at least now I know I'm able to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.

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