*The picture above is what Celeste would look like.
*I started this rough draft back in 2018 and only made it to the 5th chapter. When I recently redownloaded dis app I thought why not fix it up and continue so THIS IS MY FIRST STORY OKAY I'M JUST HAVING FUN LEMME KNOW WHAT U THINK

I feel a warm body pressed up against mine, rocking me back and forth, pushing my dark brown hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

"Shh... it's all going to be okay," Allen whispered to me.

As I laid my head on his chest, I looked up at him and his eyes that reminded me that I'm okay. I continued to cry softly and cling onto his arms. Allen is my best friend. He has never once left my side on anything and has held my hand through it all. Even when I would push him away, he never give up on me. Allen was always there to comfort me when I had nightmares about Charles.

Allen doesn't have the best home situation, that's why he lives with my mom and I. My mom thinks of Allen as her own son. Allen use to live around the corner from me when we were kids and he was my first ever friend. We've done everything together and we know everything about each other.

When Allen's Aunt Diane died, his dad spiraled. 

Completely valid when your only sister whom you've never been apart from dies. Aunt Diane was a free spirit, her smile felt like a field of beautifully ripe strawberries and serenity. Her and Allen had an amazing relationship so he didn't take it too well either. 

Allen's dad, Lucas, took it way too hard. 

Lucas has an uptight side but for the most part, he was as kind and cuddly as Diane. When Diane left us from this world, something in Lucas got set off. He became very cold and distant. Lucas was always a peaceful man but one day, he snapped and smacked Allen's mom. Allen is the epitome of a golden retriever in human form but nobody lays a hand on Allen's mom.

Allen and Lucas got into a pretty nasty fight and it didn't stop until Allen's little sister, Aliyah came downstairs screaming and crying. Allen had fractured bones in his hands and a bloody nose but his dad wound up a lot worse.

To sum things up: Allen, his mom, and Aliyah moved about a 3 hour drive from our town we live in now. After a year, Allen's mom was worried because of how depressed he got. It was a tough decision but Francique (Allen's mom) decided he would be a lot happier living with us and finishing off high school in his hometown. Allen tried to argue with his mom saying he needed to be there for her and Aliyah but Francique is the kind of woman that you can't refuse.

That whole family is fully of sweet-hearts.

Anyways, I know what you're thinking. No, we aren't those best friends that fall in love with each other like in those cheesy romance movies. We basically act like a married couple between the playful bickering and doing everything together. Still, we could never be a couple.

Allen is the only man in my life that I love and has never let me down or left me.

"Good morning, Allen." My mom says with a smile and then kisses me on the forehead.

"Good morning, Jenny," Allen replied.

"You kiddos want any eggs? I just made some and I have extra," she asked. Allen and I both shook our heads. We were running a bit late for school. It was the first day of our senior year. Couldn't risk slacking on our first last day. I kissed my mother on the cheek and Allen got both of our book bags.

"Bye, Ma." I said before leaving.

"Goodbye, mi hermosa. Bye, Allen!" My mom called out.

Allen and I drive to school together everyday. We love driving. It's like an escape for the both of us.

"So, what was it about this time?" Allen blurted out awkwardly.

After two years, he still doesn't know when it is ever the right time to talk about it. I looked out the window and the sun started to rise. I rested my head on the palm of my hand as the cold wind hit my face. A little bit of sunlight shines through the trees and onto my face,

"I start to remember more with every dream," I finally spoke, "Which makes it even more horrifying every time I have them. This time, I remember every moment. Every gruesome detail." I stated. 

I sighed and tilted my head back. Allen turned up the radio. He kept on looking at me from the corner of his eye with a slight smirk. I started singing to the song playing and then we both had a full on duet together. He began dancing and flicking his head up and down. Maniac.

"Allen, for fucks sake don't get us killed," I said laughing.

One of the reasons why Allen is my bestfriend: he may not know the right things to say or how to react appropriately in a situation but he always can bring a smile to my face.

Allen and I got out the car and went our separate ways to first period.

Hopefully, everyone stops treating me like I'm glass this year. It's embarrassing. People tip toe around me like I'll break any moment. Although I felt like i would for a while, I'm better.

AP Literature was always a class that seemed to last forever. If you were to put me in this class with no watch or any other way to track time, you could convince me I was in there for days. I impatiently tap my fingers on the desk. Ms. Brier is pretty cool, though. I feel bad that I get so bored in her class. She's a delight, it's just the material that bores me to death. 

The bell rang and I went to my second period, Economics. At least I had Allen in this class. I would take a nap while he copied notes, and then we switched. After school, we exchange notes. It was Allen's turn to sleep so I was copying my notes. 

The intercom announces, "Celeste Adams, report to the Dean's office." 

When the man's voice spoke on the intercom, Allen woke up. I had a puzzled look on my face wondering what I did.

"WOW. What'd you do this time?" Allen exaggerated.

"Oh, shut up," I replied with a grin.

I gathered my books and walked out the classroom and went to Dean Jackson's office. I knocked on the door and opened it. Two police officers stood next to Dean Jackson.

"Um, sir?" I asked puzzled.

Dean Jackson motioned his hand to the chair in front of his desk.

"Don't worry, Ms. Adams. You're not being arrested." Dean Jackson said with a quick laugh.

"Well, that's good. Although, I'm very confused why two police offers and standing beside you," I stated, trying to be chill.

"Ms. Martinez, Charles Dawson was your boyfriend, right?" The female officer asked me while showing a picture of him.

"Yes.. yes ma'am," I replied stiffly. I felt myself starting to sweat.

"We believe to have found the man who potentially killed Mr. Dawson, according to the description that you gave us two years ago," She stated.

"We're going to need you to come point him out. We'll be taking you to the station." The male officer addressed.

My heart was beating faster and faster. I placed my hand over my heart and concentrated on breathing in and out.

"Okay, may I just call my mom and let her know?" I shuddered.

"Of course," The female replied, "I'm Officer Rachel. This is Officer Mathew." She stated.

I called my mom and told her everything. She had a fear in her voice but told me to be strong and that this can finally give me closure. I just don't know if I'll be able to face that man. If it even is him.

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