The next morning I wake up to Allen giving me an Advil and water.

"I'm sorry again for overreacting," he says blushing.

"Allen, it's okay. You were only making sure we didn't do anything stupid. You know I just get a little too carried away when I'm drunk," I say.

He looks down and blushes even harder.

"Oh yeah, I know," he says.

Now i'm blushing and looking down. I take the Advil and we go to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner tonight. We decided to make dinner tonight for my mom before she came home instead of her making food. She loved cooking and it was amazing but she works so hard so I thought why not help her out every once in a while.

Later that night we all ate and then watched a movie together on the couch. I look over at Allen and my mom, I'm so grateful for them in my life.

In the car Pyramids by Frank Ocean plays and we scream every lyric with the windows down. Allen and I do this every morning but every morning I cherish it.

We get to school and walk together down the halls. Tristan catches our eye and he looks down, nervous. Allen walks up to him.

"Hey man, I'm sorry about Friday night. I got a little carried away. I just wanted to make sure nothing happened between y'all," he lets out.

"No, it's fine I told Celeste it wasn't a good idea but she said y'all didn't have anything between y'all," he rambles.

"What? No, it was because y'all were both drunk. That's why I was worried." Allen says. He looks at me for a moment and then back at Tristan.

"Fuck. Uh, yeah." Tristan says getting embarrassed. I look around the halls pretending I'm not listening to them.

Allen leans closer to Tristan, "You can have Celeste all to yourself just don't hurt her," he whispers. I could hear him, though. It made me squirm.

Tristan smiles and they do a handshake and Tristan walks off. I look at Allen for a moment. We don't say anything to each other but we continue to walk to class.

I couldn't help but keep thinking about this morning. I get Allen and I aren't a thing but he really doesn't care? Tristan and him are pretty good friends. He's not bugged by us possibly getting together at all? Okay. Chill. We were just going to hook up he is not my boyfriend. I grunt. Why am I overthinking? Valerie looks at me.

"Soooo, I noticed you and Tristan kinda walked off together at the party Friday," she says smirking.

"Yeah, nothing really happened. We agreed it wasn't smart to do anything since we were both drunk," I said.

"Y'all could he friends with benefits. You're both chill together and Tristan is hot." she says.

"Valerie!" I say and we both laugh.

It wasn't a bad idea. I don't see myself dating Tristan but I wouldn't mind hooking up sometimes. Just as I zoned out thinking about Tristan and I, he texts me.



"im glad Allen doesn't want to kill me."

"never, that boy is a cuddly teddy bear."

"lmaooo. I can't get you out of my head though"

"Wanna finish what we started the other night?"

"My place tonight?"


I look up from my phone. Valerie notices I'm smiling.

The bell rings and it's time to go home.

I see Allen and Pearl talking by the car. I awkwardly make my way towards them. All of a sudden, Pearl looks at her phone with wide eyes. She gets pale and walks away from Allen. I finally get to the car.

"What was that about?" I ask.

We get into the car and Allen starts to back out.

"No idea. We were just talking and then she got a call from something facility and then walked off in a hurry," he replies.


We drive out the school parking lot and make our way to our favorite cafe.

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