*The picture above is how I imagine Naomi.

After a while, I zoned out as the group was chatting. It's been 5 minutes since Valerie tried to go find Naomi so I headed towards the bathrooms to find them. As I walked on the trail I notice Naomi was pissed and Valerie stood in front of her listening. They stood outside the bathrooms.
Naomi continued to rant to Valerie and then I walk up to them.

"Hey, everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just can't stand Pearl. She's so suspicious. I don't like her at all. She's shady." Naomi huffs. Naomi takes out her vape and takes a hit.

Pearl? Shady? Don't get me wrong I'm not too fond of Pearl either but shady? What did Naomi get that from?

"Why?" I asked.

Naomi sighs and kicks a pebble from under her shoe.

"I can't explain it but every time she's near by I get a bad ache in my stomach. When her and Charles were friends she always came by at the weirdest time. Everyone thinks she's this amazing and nice girl but I've always just had a bad feeling about her." Naomi rants.

After that I started to space out again. Is Naomi being crazy? I mean, she's not crazy but I believe that your intuition can be right without any explanation depending on the situation and person.

I look over to near one of the rides and spot Pearl, Olli, and Allen. Pearl was anxiously tapping her foot. She took her phone out of her purse and then turned her back to them. Her eyes wandered around as she spoke on the phone as if trying to find the words to speak as discreetly as possible. Pearl takes a few steps away from Olli and Allen. I can see Allen look up at Pearl and say something. She quickly turns back around and drops her phone in her bag. Suddenly, Pearl walks out of the fair grounds and disappears.

I think I believe Naomi's intuition now.

Naomi chills out for a bit and the three of us walk over to Tristan, Fabian, and Zach. Moments later, Allen and Olli join.

"Where'd Pearl go?" Zach asks.

"She said something like her mom needs her mom," Allen shrugs. I look at Allen and his eyes meet with mine.

"Y'all want pizza?" I ask.

Naomi finally looks relaxed. We all meet up at Don's Pizza and enjoy the rest of our night. Nobody really questions Pearl's disappearance after that.

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