*This is what I imagine Allen to look like.

Right now, all I need is my mom and Allen. 

I texted Allen telling him everything. He insisted on skipping and going to the station to help me but I told him I needed to do this alone and that I'll see him at home.

 I walked into a room that had a huge window that looked into another room. There were three men standing against a wall. All three of them looked similar to one another, but one stood out the most.

"Can... they see me?" I asked nervously.

"No, it's a two-way mirror," Officer Rachel reassured me.

"Man #1, step up." Officer Matthew called out. 

Man 1 stepped up.

"No. That's not him." I said, swallowing a big lump in my throat.

"Man #2 step up." He called out.

"No," I spoke quietly.

"Man #3, please step up." He said.

Man #3's eyes were piercing. He stood confidently and tall. I stiffened at the sight of him, my heart pacing faster the longer I looked at him.

"It's Man #3." I shuttered.

I put my hand up to my chest and sighed with a relief? I'm not sure why. Maybe because I have closure now? I'm not very sure. 

Another officer took Man #3.

"Victor Shepard, you are under arrest for the murder of Charles Dawson. You have the right to remain silent. If you do or say anything, it can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to a lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire," The other officer took him in. 

Man #1 and #2 were released. All of a sudden I fell to the ground and the room went black.


I opened my eyes to see Allen and my mom standing if front of me, talking to a doctor.

"She was on an empty stomach and the body tends to freak out in traumatic situations. Celeste shut down because her body didn't have much energy," the doctor's voice trailed off and met with my eyes.

"Hello, Ms. Adams, how are we?" he asked.

"We, are tired and want to go home and eat a bowl of cookie dough ice cream." I replied. My mom giggled slightly and hugged me. Her warmness comforted me.

"You scared me, star. Although, I would love to have your bed all to myself for a night," Allen said squeezing my hand tightly.

"Shut up. You wouldn't be able to sleep anyways because you'd miss me too much," I replied with a giggle.

"Actually, I do recommend you spend the night here. We're going to get fluids in you so you're not so weak. But, you do have the right to be checked out but you have to take it very easy." The doctor spoke. I looked at my mom and her eyes said, "Carino, rest up here."

My mom kissed me on the forehead and Allen held on to my hand a moment longer, gave it a tight squeeze, and then they left. 

That night I could rest peacefully.

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