*How I imagine Olli

Three months later.

Pearl and Allen hit it off pretty well. They never made an announcement about a relationship or anything but they're definitely together. I got use to it by now. Pearl came over a lot after school and the three of us would hang out or do homework.

Pearl would have these suspicious calls every now and then but I never mention it to Allen because he looks like he doesn't even know.

Sometimes when I got tired of being around the two I would go the cafe and do my homework or hangout with either Naomi or Valerie.

One day after school Allen, me, Pearl, and Olli decided to hang out at my house. The three of them were playing videos as I watched and laughed. Pearl was so bad but she was learning.

I get up from the couch and go make some food for all of us. As I'm in the kitchen I scrolled on my phone waiting for the food to be ready. Olli walks in and stands across from me.

"Your house is pretty cozy. Thanks for inviting me." Olli says.

Olli is a sweet guy. He's pretty shy and amazing at video games. We don't talk or hang out much except for when we're hanging out in groups but I like him. He's cool.

"No problem, I've been at your place a few times with everyone so I thought why not have the four of us hang out since you weren't doing anything and we never get the change to hang out in smaller group." I smile at him. "Plus, I get so tired of hanging out with them gushing all the time," I say as I look over at them.

"Yeah, I appreciate it," Olli laughs. "I heard about you and Tristan." he teases.

"Yeahhh, we've only hooked up a few times. He's really cute but I just don't see a relationship with him but neither does he so it's cool." I reply.

All of the guys that Allen was friends with were hot. But they're my friends as well so that's why I never tried anything with them. They tease Allen for not getting with me since we live together. I get it, it's stupid how we've barely even hooked up before let alone be together as a couple. The difference is with Tristan, if we were to date for a bit and then break it off, it probably wouldn't affect our friend group that much. With Allen, he's my best friend and my roommate so not exactly a fun situation if something bad happened between us. Besides, he's with Pearl now.

Suddenly, we hear Pearl rush to the bathroom. Another shady ass call I guess?

I look at Olli, he raises his eyebrows and looks in the direction that Pearl ran to.

"Hey, Olli. I noticed the night of the fair a while back that Pearl did that same thing. Like, she goes in a hurry when she's on the phone." I blurt out. "Do you know anything about it?"

"No, but it's really weird. Pearl is a nice girl and all but I don't really trust her." Olli admits.


I walk over to the bathroom and listen. Pearl is frantically whispering to whoever is on the other line.

"Stop calling me. Just leave me alone." She says harshly.

I knock at the door. Pearl goes silent and then quickly hangs up.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her concerned.

"I'm fine. Please stay out of my business." Pearl states coldly. I hear footsteps come down the hall.

"Babe?" Allen says in a low tone.

"Baby, I'm sorry but like c'mon." She whines.

"I think it's best if you go." Allen disregards Pearl and looks to the side avoiding eye contact.

Pearl glares at me and stomps out of the house. The quiet fills the room after she slammed my front door. Then, the timer goes off. I walk into the kitchen and take out the food.

"Pizza rolls?" I ask.


The three of us spend the rest of the night eating and trying our best to ignore what happened an hour before.

Olli gets up and hugs me, then Allen, and goes home. Allen and I walk to our room.

"Pearl is weird." I blurt out. I hope I didn't hurt Allen's feelings by saying that.

"I know. I don't like loosing my temper or anything but the way her entire personality just flipped when she was talking to you really bothers me." Allen replies.

"And those shady ass phone calls." I say.

"Yeah, at first I thought she might be cheating but then one day I actually saw the caller ID and it was Maison Correctional Facility."

My eyes widened. Why is she getting calls from a jail?

"So, have you asked her about it?" I asked slowly.

"No. I think I'll probably break things off with her soon. I can't believe she spoke to you like that."

"If that's what you think is best."

I walk into the bathroom and take a shower.

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